Assistant Professor of StatisticsDave Zellmer Project Development SpecialistThe joint commission journal on quality and patient safetyScott-Cawiezell J, Madsen RW, Pepper GA, et al. Medication safety teams’ guided implementation of electronic medication administration records in five nursing homes. Jt ...
Evaluation of potential prescribing errors in patients with polypharmacy: a method to improve medication safety in ambulatory care Article 23 April 2018 Comparison of explicit criteria for potentially inappropriate drug prescribing among the elderly: a narrative review Article Open access 09 August 202...
In a one-year follow-up study of persons aged 75 years and over living in the community, about one-third reported at least one fall [25]; higher annual risk of falls, up to 50%, were reported in the oldest old or in persons living in nursing homes. The consequences of injuries and...
Additionally, the pharmacists revealed 69 documentation errors in the LTC facility concerning the medication, which was e.g. not up-to-date (27.5%) or lacking information about the correct administration time (27.5%). Compared to the pharmacists’ documented DRPs, the number of reference DRPs ...
Studies [3,32-36] indicate that, as the population ages and drug therapy becomes more complex—with more new prescription drugs being approved and patients requiring increasingly potent and sophisticated treatments—the likelihood of errors also increases. Studies have revealed alarming statistics on me...
National estimates of medication use in nursing homes: Findings from the 1997 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey and the 1996 Medical Expenditure Survey. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1997;2005(53):438–43. Google Scholar Lustenberger I, Schupbach B, von Gunten A, Mosimann U. Psychotropic medication ...
Up to 59% of elderly patients make errors while taking their prescriptions, and nearly 20% of hospital admissions of the elderly are attributed to self-made errors in taking medication [13]. Therefore, the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends that prescribe...
eMAR and mobile computing: why nursing homes need to get wired now; Medication errors are reaching dangerous levels in LTC facilities and modern technology can stop this More results ► Encyclopedia browser ? ▲ medical history medical imaging Medical Industry medical information systems Medical Insti...
Little is known about the epidemiology of medication errors and medication-related harm following transition from secondary to primary care. This systemati
Two thirds of nursing home residents have an adverse drug event over a 4-year period, and one in seven of these results in hospitalization.11If medication-related deaths were listed as a specific entity in mortality statistics, they would be the fifth leading cause of death.11In 1991, Beers...