In 1991, the School Health Unit of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health defined medication administration as a priority policy development area for school health. The decision was based on: a) the increased numbers of children requiring medications during the school day; b) a lack of ...
Learn the definition, rights, and basic principles of medication administration. Discover the nurse's role and responsibilities related to...
Navigating the New Landscape for Medication Administration at SchoolsPAMELA KAHN, MPH, RN MERRY GRASSKA, MPH, FNP-CCALIFORNIA SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH ALLIANCE CONFERENCE MARCH 7, 2014 ObjectivesIdentify laws and regulations impacting the use ofmedication including Diastat and insulin.Develop practical ...
A 46.6% response rate was obtained; 97% of respondents indicated their schools had written guidelines for medication administration. Principals (41%) and school nurses (34%) reported that they have the ultimate legal responsibility for medication administration. Policies for medication administration on...
Until recently, most school children have not been permitted to carry medications on their own for asthma and allergy emergencies. The purpose of this article is to discuss the overall legislation in the United States regarding the carrying and self-administration of asthma and allergy medications ...
The American Academy of Pediatrics' Committee on School Health recommends specific steps for medical emergencies in school and lists seven regulations governing the administration of medication in school. Arthur Retlaw and Associates, Inc., Suite 2080, 1603 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60201....
2. Medications must be brought into schools in their original container, as dispensed by a pharmacist, labelled with your child’s name. They must include instructions for administration, dosage and storage, as well as possible side effects. In some cases, schools will accept written instructions...
It's useful when the physician wants to have control over the drug, as the patient will need to return for continued treatment. It may be the only option of administration available for drugs that can't withstand stomach acid, are poorly absorbed, ineffective, or too irritating to the body...
Self-administration of medication may be authorized by the prescriber and parent/guardian and must be approved by the school nurse (if applicable) in accordance with board policy. In a school, inhalers for asthma and cartridge injectors for medically-diagnosed allergies, ...
Medication Administration Checklist Tool for the Minnesota Guidelines for Medication Administration in Schools, May 2005, Revised September 2005 Instructions for the Medication Administration Checklist Tool 1.ThisMedication Administration Checklist Toolis modeled on theSchool Health Index(SHI) developed by the...