You can also find out important information such as contact info, quality ratings, and directions to healthcare facilities. Furthermore, you can also use the Care Compare Tool to find out information on nursing homes, hospices, dialysis centers, rehab care, and Long-Term care facilities. Do...
The site’s freetoolthat lets you find certified home health agencies in your area.It then lets you compare them by showing you Medicare’s star ratings for quality of care and ratings from patient surveys. You’ll need to call agencies to see which types of care they’re cu...
said Trivedi, of Brown University. Black enrollees have more lower-quality Medicare Advantage plans available in their counties of residence than white enrollees, research shows; terminated contracts tend to have lower-quality ratings.
The providers also asked CMS to bar MA plans from delaying or denying claims approved through electronic prior authorization and weight patient experience more heavily in its ratings of MA plans. A growing number of hospital executives have criticized Medicare Advantage, often citing excessive prior ...