Three years ago, Pennsylvania transitioned to a state-based Exchange (SBEP). Thus, the Open Enrollment period has expanded, and rates are slightly lower for many plans. The shopping experience is more user-friendly, and as your broker, we provide full plan comparison, enrollment, and policy se...
Comparison of low-value care in Medicaid vs Commercially Insured Populations. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(7):998-1004. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.2086ArticlePubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 15. Humana. Medicare Advantage and dual Medicare-Medicaid plans preauthorization and notification list. ...
Providing information and online tools for the Medicare community on the topics of Medicare Part D prescription drug plans, Medicare Advantage plans, and original Medicare. Detailed information on Medicare plans available for every state, including plan
Aetna Medicare Advantage plans are rated above the industry average, receiving an average rating of 4.27 stars out of 5 from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for 2025, weighted by enrollment. For comparison, the average weighted star rating for all plans is3.95. Of Aetna mem...
all Medicare Supplement plans are available to persons eligible for Medicare because of disability: California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota...
39.5% of beneficiaries living with PD were enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans compared to 37.3% of Medicare beneficiaries overall. People living with PD were 2.3% Asian, 5.9% Black, 2.6% Hispanic, 0.3% North American Native, and 85.3% White (Table 2). People of color tend to be ...
(deductibles, copayments), and use of formularies and other pharmacy benefit management tools. Some plans will adopt the standard drug benefit package as outlined in the MMA statute, but most will alter some dimension of the benefit.[20]For example, in Pennsylvania beneficiaries can choose from...
Retrospective analyses of claims data from 35,102 community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries in Pennsylvania aged 65 or older. Beneficiaries were continuously enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan from 2004 to 2007. Outcome variables were any use of donepezil (Aricept®), galantamine (Razadyne®), ...
it is in Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, Pennsylvania MSA. Effective Date. Enactment. Section 155. Special Rule for Certain Skilled Nursing Facilities Prior Law. The SNF PPS pays a per diem amount for all covered services provided to Medicare beneficiaries. During a transition period lasting through ...
The implementation teams are grateful for the creative engagement of Eric Coleman, MD, MPH, University of Colorado School of Medicine, and Mary Naylor, PHD, RN, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, in teaching their methods and helping with adaptations. The work depended critically on ...