Attorneys General from 20 states asked a federal judge to grant a temporary injunction halting implementation of changes to new rules affecting minimum nursing home staffing requirements announced by the Centers for Medicare...more Medicare’s 60-Day Rule ...
Another survey conducted by Jackson Healthcare, the health-care staffing company, found that 10% of the more than 2,000 physicians it surveyed don’t see Medicare patients at all. So what’s the solution? We’ve tried price controls and that doesn’t work. Other approaches also won’t ...
CMS hasupdatedguidance on minimum health and safety standards that long-term care facilities must meet to participate in Medicare and Medicaid. The guidance specifically addresses nursing home staffing concerns that some say have impacted care quality. The agency also updated and cre...
Medicare surveys may be carried out by a state agency or an accreditation body with deemed status. Three national accrediting bodies, the AAAHC, JCAHO and AAAASF, have been deemed (approved) by the CMS to determine whether a healthcare facility meets the Medicare Conditions of Coverage (standard...
emergency department staffing groups.Subtitle C — Other Services Section 421. One-Year Extension of Moratorium on Therapy Caps; Report on Standards for Supervision of Physical Therapy Assistants. The provision extends the moratorium on the physical therapy and occupational ...
Statistical Analysis The association of PE acquisition with patient outcomes was estimated using a generalized difference-in-differences approach covering a minimum of 3 years in the preacquisition (baseline) period and a 3-year limitation in the postacquisition period, using the interaction term betwee...
as described. It authorizes the Senate to disburse necessary Commission expenses, as requested, and sets forth various staffing and ethical standards and powers of the Commission in carrying out its duties. No later than six months after appointment, the Commission will vote on a report based on...
But even before the announcement was made, healthcare systems were concerned about the potential strain that nursing home staff vaccine mandates would have on already existingstaffing shortages. As of August, 60 percent of facilities wanted to require staff to be vaccinated, accord...
Information on Nurse Staffing Footnotes Summary While largely comprised of Medicare provisions, the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 (H.R. 5661), a compromise agreement between House and Senate committees and the leadership, includes a number of important...
This research relied on Medicare billing data and Minimum Data Set assessments to determine the site of death based on the place of service recorded on the submitted claims. Medicare billing data do not differentiate community deaths that are in a personal home, in an assisted living facility, ...