Medicare has authority to reduce or waive its Medicare lien ifit is in the “best interests of the program,” if the “probability of recovery, or the amount [of the recovery] does not warrant pursuit” of the lien, or if enforcing the lien would lead to significant “financial hardship....
Pursuant to the Benefit Agreement(s), BLUE CROSS may hold a lien on third party liability payments in the amount of benefits paid by BLUE CROSS and the value of medical care provided under BLUE CROSS SENIOR SECURE for the treatment of the illness, injury or condition for which a third part...
If Medicare concludes there is not a reasonablebasis to remove claims on the state-ment of reimbursement, then theproposal is simply rejected.10 For fur- ther explanation and illustration ofthis process, see Diagram 1.The SMART Act provides thatMedicare had nine months from ...
Nicolien T. van RavesteynJAMA internal medicineMandelblatt JS, Tosteson AN, van Ravesteyn NT. Costs, evidence, and value in the Medicare program: the challenges of technology innovation in breast cancer prevention and control. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173:227-8. [PMID: 23303388]...