Medicare IPPS rule makes cuts finalHealthLeaders News Brief
§631. IPPS documentation and coding adjustment for implementation of MS-DRGs. CMS modified its patient classification system and introduced Medicare severity-diagnosis related groups (MS-DRGs) into the Medicare inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) starting in FY2008. In the FY2008 IPPS rule,...
The rule changed star rating cut points. It also shifted greater emphasis to patient experience and complaints along with adding more significance to access measures. More recently through theInterim Final Rule, CMS took its second step in reforming star ratings to account for the eff...
IPPS Final Rule: CMS Addresses Allina Decision and Addresses New Medicare DSH Payment CalculationsThomas W. Coons
CMS Issues Final FY 2016 Medicare IPPS/LTCH RuleDaubert, Gail
Travis, John