In 2016, Dominic was elected Chippewa Township Trustee (Wayne County) and is currently serving a second 4-year term. He married is high school sweetheart, Lauren, in 2017. They have a 2 year old son, Jack. Dominic enjoys hunting, fishing, family, travel, and anything outdoors!
We understand how important it is to find affordable coverage without sacrificing healthcare benefits. Therefore, our licensed Medicare agents take the time to provide clients with a side-by-side plan comparison from all the top carriers in your area for Medigap plan G and other plans available...
Generally, you must be at least 65 years old to be eligible for Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). However, there are certain circumstances where those under age 65 on disability can enroll in the federal healthcare program. If you are not yet 65, you may become eligible for Medic...
We further restricted the study population to individuals who, in 2009, were living in the United States or Washington, DC, and were at least 65 years old. Our study was approved by the Harvard Medical School Committee on Human Studies and the Privacy Board of the Centers for Medicare & ...
Silicon Valley’s $7,500 a year biohacking clinic co-founded by Peter Attia is now betting on the wealthy elite of New York City BYAlexa MikhailMarch 7, 2025 17 days ago Aging Well - Fitness The workout routine that leaves this 82-year-old fitness instructor feeling like he’s 50 BY...
The AMA criticizes Congress for allowing a fifth year of Medicare payment cuts, warning it threatens patient care and forces ... Common denial reason codes in medical billing Claim denial reason codes in medical billing indicate problems in the revenue cycle, understanding the codes and identifying...
He’s proposed a single-payer healthcare scheme that is being called “Medicare for all.” According to Sanders and other advocates, the government’s health system is a good role model: People pay a tax while working and they get health care when they’re old. But there’s a not-so-...
Preparing for CMS Staffing Mandates — Assisted Living and the Law Podcast Hospice Insights Podcast - Meet the New Laws, Same as the Old Laws: Overpayment Recoupment Update Podcast — Drug Pricing: Takeaways From the Chicago Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Summit ...
Each presidential candidate accuses the other of backing spending cuts and other policies that would damage the health insurance program for older Americans. But the election's outcome could alter the very nature of the nearly 60-year-old federal program. More than half of...
If you are 65 years old and eligible for Social Security, Medicare is an option for you. If you’ve received Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for 24 months, you may qualify for Medicare, regardless of your age.6 Individuals who have certain disabilities, such as amyotrophic lateral...