December 7th is the Cutoff for Changes to Medicare Advantage Plans…kind of Warning: Use of undefined constant gad_content_tag_filter_replace - assumed 'gad_content_tag_filter_replace' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in/home/medicarebenefits/public_html/wp-content/plugin...
For some business owners on the edge of the cutoff, the mandate is forcing them to weigh very carefully the price of growing bigger. “There’s kind of a deer-in-headlights moment for those who say, ‘I have this new potential client, but if I bring them on, I have to hire five ...
citizens may purchase health insurance for a January 1 effective date of the coming calendar year—runs from November 1st to December 15th. For those who, for whatever reason, want a February 1 effective date—the cutoff is January 15th. After that, a person must qualify for a Special ...
For example, the data include year of birth but not birthday; to address measurement error in age at the age 65 years cutoff, we drop all observations from the year that the individual turned 65 years. A limitation of the RD design in these data are that we must assume that there are ...