(2009) Bariatric surgery in Medicare patients: greater risks but substantial benefits. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 5 , 299-304 /Yuan X, Martin Hawver LR, Ojo P, et al. Bariatric surgery in Medicare patients: greater risks but substantial benefits. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2009;5:299...
lities.(Obesity)]]>Lubell, Jennifer
Bariatric surgery is not associated with disenrollment from the Medicare program among working age disabled beneficiaries. Only about one percent of disabled people who received bariatric surgery disenrolled within five years of the procedure. 展开 ...
Since 2006, Medicare has paid for bariatric surgery for certain obese patients with the requirement that the institutions providing this service be
摘要: Complications after bariatric surgery appear similar between patients younger and older than age 60 and also between Medicare recipients and nonrecipients, according to a study in the June issue of Archives of Surgery, one of the JAMA/Archives journals....
I Have Medicare, am I Eligible for Weight Loss Surgery? Medicare coverage guidelines in the state of Texas DO NOT follow traditional CMS requirements. Sadly, the requirements for patients that do not have Medicare replacement plans are much stricter in the state of Texas. This is due to a lo...
To report the effect of the American Society of Bariatric Surgery or American College of Surgeons–designated Centers of Excellence designation in Michigan on our practice trends and patient populations. As of February 2006, weight loss surgery for Medicare beneficiaries are reimbursed when procedures ar...
One hundred-thirty pharmacist, patient advocacy, and business organizations have urged congress to allow Medicare beneficiaries more convenient access to discounted or preferred copays at independent community pharmacies willing to accept the terms and conditions of Medicare Part D prescription drug ...
The authors discuss a proposal by Medicare to eliminate the requirement for institutions to be certified as level 1 bariatric surgery centers of excellence (COE) by the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery to receive reimbursement. They assert that the ambivalence of Medicare on how ...
Bariatric surgery is the most efficacious treatment of obesity and its comorbidities. The objective of this investigation was to assess trends in utilization, readmission, mortality, and cost of bariatric surgery in the Medicare population. Utilizing the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) ...