1.The study of the subject noted in the body of the word, or a treatise on the same; the Eng. equivalent is -logy, or, with a connecting vowel, -ology. 2.Collecting or picking. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
1. Word = (Prefix) + Root + (Suffix) 2. Combining form: Root + O e.g. -logy “study of” neur “nerve or nervous system” neur + o + logy = neurology [nju'rɔləʤi] (n. study of the nervous system 神经病学) II. Word Parts Pertaining to Cells, Tissues, and Organs...
b.粘着词根 词缀:a.派生词缀---前缀和后缀(粘附形式) b.屈折词缀(-er,-ed,-ing) ;Important word parts:;For example, the term hematology is divided into three parts: hematology Root combining suffix (blood) vowel (study of) When you analyze a medical term, begin at the end of the word....
Learn about noun suffixes used in words with meanings of ~'studies,~' ~'senses,~' ~'substances,~' and ~'pertaining to.~' Suffixes The three main word parts that make up a medical term are the prefix, word root, and suffix. Each word part serves a different purpose in the medical ...
By adding a suffix to the end of a word root, we create a different meaning. -itis(inflamation) appendicitis -ist (person) dentist word-formation 1.两个词根的结合,如: lymphaden(淋巴结) 2.词根与后缀的结合,如: cardio/logy(心脏病学),hepat/itis(肝炎) ...
Word Count> approx. 670 words in English Dermatology 皮肤科 Dermatology is the branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its diseases, a unique specialty with both medical and surgical aspects. A dermatologist takes care of diseases, in the widest sense, and some cosmetic problems of the sk...
•Medicalwordsarelikeindividual jigsawpuzzles.Onceyoudividethetermsintotheircomponentpartsandlearnthemeaningoftheindividualpartsyoucanusethatknowledgetounderstandmanyothernewterms.•Forexample,thetermHEMATOLOGYisdivided intothreeparts:HEMAT/Root(blood)of)O/combiningvowel LOGYsuffix(study •Whenanalyzingamedical...
ILIUM ILEUM The ilium is one of the bones which makes up the hipbone. It is the largest of the three hipbones, and can be felt as the hip. How to divide words into component parts Root Combining vowel Suffix Hematology Hematology Heme/Hemat O Logy Heme-Hemat – Blood (Root) Logy- St...
microhematic; hemacology Write the suffix that means “condition of” in each of the following words: 4. necrosis 5. dysentery 6. insomnia Write the adjective ending of each of the following words: 7. febrile 8. symmetrical 9. anemic Write the singular form of each of the following words...