Pain can be hard to put into words. But you’ll need to describe your suffering to your doctor in order to get the best possible treatment. Make it more concrete by keeping a chronic pain syndrome journal. Using a scale, note how much you hurt each day. One popular pain scale asks yo...
While there is sometimes a need to do this, the interpreter needs to make it clear what they are adding and that they are editorialising the patient’s (or doctor’s) words. Substitution This is another danger of medical interpretation. Medical terminology can be incredibly complex, even ...
Although path analysis cannot infer causality, it helps to describe the connections between observable constructs. Therefore, the path analysis further clarified that optimism and adversity management mediated the relationship between psychological resilience and perceived stress. This suggests a complex ...
Binswanger's dementiaa progressive dementia of presenile onset due to demyelination of the subcortical white matter of the brain, with sclerotic changes in the blood vessels supplying it. boxer's dementiaa syndrome more serious than boxer's traumatic encephalopathy, the result of cumulative injuries ...
NLP seeks to represent words, sentences, paragraphs and sometimes, the entire text corpus in such a way that algorithms can be deployed to automate task-specific analyses of the text. Contemporary NLP usually combines rule-based methods with statistical (usually machine and deep learning methods) ...
It is hard to state the rules that govern diagnoses. Some diagnoses are ambiguous. Other seemingly incoherent strings of words are understandable utterances. In addition, there is a wide variety of diagnoses. The aim of this work are diagnoses that are useful and allow perfectly understandable com...
A teacher needs to have motivation and interest, both for teaching and for the field they are teaching… When a teacher doesn’t show interest, students also lose patience in listening to their words” (P2). According to students, the high skills and experience of teachers in clinical ...
Dementia is the term doctors use to describe difficulty remembering and thinking that?s serious enough to affect your life. Everyday memory slips, like forgetting an address or the name of a person you haven?t seen in a while shouldn?t be concerning, but getting disoriented in a familiar lo...
In other words, has the legalization of cannabis contributed to this inadequately explained increase in stimulant use? A recent study by our lab group that looked at the slopes of stimulant distribution rates over time -- before and after medical cannabis legalization -- did not support this.(8...
In other words, when medical staffs at work feel that the work they are doing is meaningful, they can stay in the medical field for a long time, as they identify with the content of the work. At the same time, if medical staffs are willing to stay in their unit for a long time, ...