range of idioms that might find expression in dreams: “bite the bullet,”“their bark is worse than their bite,”“bite off more than you can chew,”“bite the dust,”“bite the hand that feeds you,”“bite their head off,” and “they won’t bite.” (See also Dentures, Teeth)....
Keyboard Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text EnglishEspañolDeutschFrançaisItalianoالعربية中文简体PolskiPortuguêsNederlandsNorskΕλληνικήРусскийTürkçeאנגלית 9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: ...
The meaning of IMMEDIATE DENTURE is a denture put in place immediately after the extraction of teeth.
Twitter Google Share on Facebook toothbrush trauma Dictionary Thesaurus Encyclopedia Abrasionorgroovingofteethandgingivalinjuryorrecessionas aresultofimproperbrushingwithastiff-texturedbrush. Seealso:trauma MedicalDictionary,©2009FarlexandPartners Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us,...
The meaning of ORAL CAVITY is the cavity of the mouth; especially : the part of the mouth behind the gums and teeth that is bounded above by the hard and soft palates and below by the tongue and by the mucous membrane connecting it with the inner part of
Presence of supernumerary teeth. [poly-+ G.odous,tooth] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 pol·y·o·don·ti·a , polydentia(pol'ē-ō-don'shē-ă, -denshē-ă) Presence of supernumerary teeth. ...
17、, and sometimes to the toes,BASIC ELEMENTS OFMEDICAL WORD,Derm-, derma-,dermat-, dermato-, dermo- Relationship to skin,BASIC ELEMENTS OFMEDICAL WORD,Dent-, denta-, dento-, denti- denoting to a tooth or the teeth (dentist, dentistry, dentalgia, denture),BASIC ELEMENTS OFMEDICAL WORD...
2.In dentistry, the contact of the occlusal surfaces of the teeth. 3.Inanatomy, a joint (an area where two bones are attached for the purpose of motion of body parts). Anarticulation, or joint, is usually formed of fibrousconnective tissueandcartilage. Joints are grouped according to their...
The mouth, located in the middle of the sucker, opens to expose the teeth, which cut into the patient’s skin. The saliva of the leech contains substances that anesthetize the wound area (rendering the bite virtually painless) and dilate blood vessels to increase blood flow to the site of...
teeth) one of the small bonelike structures of the jaws for biting and mastication of food; they also help in the shaping of sounds and forming of words in speech. Structure. The portion of a tooth that rises above the gum is the crown; the portion below is the root. The crown is...