See also the section on Electronic artwork. To avoid unnecessary errors you are strongly advised to use the 'spell-check' and 'grammar-check' functions of your word processor. Article structure This section describes the article structure for this journal....
1. give a definition for the meaning of a word. 2. determine the essential quality of. 3. determine the nature of. E.g.: What defines a good wine? 4. delineate the form or outline of. E.g.: The tree was clearly defined by the light, The camera could define the smallest objec...
Manuscripts should be double-spaced and left-justified. Use consistently either British English or American English. Use 12-point font size, Times New Roman. Use 2.5 cm margins, and format for A4 paper. Number all pages (but NOT lines). Footnotes should not be included. Maximum word count ...
A word token refers to the smallest unit of meaning (ie, a word or semantically meaningful symbol). From here on, for legibility we will refer to a word token simply as a word. We used this method to quantify the proportion of duplicated text vs novel (nonduplicated) text. Furthermore,...
…so much of the material we covered over our tutoring sessions was word for word on my exam... “If I could I could give them a 1000000/10! I had the best tutor I could have asked for. They helped me prepare successfully for Step 1. I love how they helped keep track of my pro...
One tool for initiating the diagnosis of alcoholism is the CAGE questionnaire. It consists of four questions, with the first letters of each key word spelling out the word CAGE. Answering yes two or more of these questions suggests an alcohol problem exists and should be addressed. Have you ...
• Text should be double spaced with a wide margin. • All pages and lines are to be numbered. To add page numbers in MS Word, go to Insert then Page Numbers. To add line numbers go to File, Page Setup, then click the Layout tab. In the Apply to box, select Whole document, ...
Some students perceived X as ‘a dictionary’ (Heba), and others saw it as ‘an online vocabulary notebook’ (Rose) for saving key medical terms and recording word definitions. They also remarked that because they used some of the interactive features on X, such aslike or retweetor save ...
ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION:Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, authors should submit to the publisher the final version of the manuscript in MS Word format by email to improve the accuracy and speed up the typesetting process. The final manuscript should be clearly labeled with the author...
All manuscripts must be submitted as Microsoft Word documents (.doc,.docx, .rtf, .pdf files). Manuscript Preparation Manuscripts MUST be in English, double-spaced, in 12-point font, organized as appropriate for the manuscript type per above, have line numbering enabled and lines numbered consecu...