Nearsightedness:The ability to see near objects more clearly than distant objects. Also calledmyopia. Myopia can be caused by a longer-than-normal eyeball or by any condition that prevents light rays from focusing on theretina. Most forms of myopia can be managed with corrective lenses. Surgery...
nearsightedness answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.
If you would like to learn more about Nearsightedness (Myopia) call1-800-244-9907to make an appointment atCentral Valley EyeMedical Group. Myopia, unlikenormal vision, occurs when the cornea is too curved or the eye is too long. This causes light to focus in front of the retina, resulti...
Save Word FarxigatrademarkFar·xi·ga fär-ˈsē-gə used for a preparation of dapagliflozin Dictionary Entries Near Farxiga farsightedness Farxiga FAS See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Farxiga.” Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://ww...
near point near point of convergence near poor near reaction near reflex near total laryngectomy near ultraviolet Nearctic near-death experience Near-Drowning nearest neighbor frequency nearest relative near-infrared radiation near-red radiation nearsighted nearsightedness nearthrosis near-total thyroidectomy...
然后,关于他们自己, nearsightedness 严重地也影响他们的自己的健康,大规模医学调查确认,与度的眼光短浅的一群一起深化,每种 ophthalmopathy 构成比率将是不寻常的增长,好象是绿内障,视网膜的分离等等,高度 nearsightedness 特别地是更容易的导致以上并发症,不管 nearsightedness 多少,所有有失去其视力的危险。
Near / Far Sightedness - Virtual Medical CentreVirtual Medical Centre
a defect ofvisionin which parallel light rays reaching the eye come to focus behind the retina, vision being better for distant objects than for near. Called alsofarsightedness. Most children are born with some degree of farsightedness. As the child grows this decreases and usually disappears ...
天心然,的反;胃自然的 近视near-sightedness n. 整洁的neat adj. 颈,脖子neck n. 针needle n. 阴性的;负的negative adj. nerve n. nervous 神经 adj. 神经的;神经紧张的 神经系统nervous system 神经的neural adj. 夜班night shift 乳头nipple n. 结node n. 噪音noise n. 营养nourishment n. 核的...
The meaning of EPIKERATOPHAKIA is the grafting of human corneal tissue to a recipient in order to correct a refractive defect (as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism).