The meaning of LUNG FLUKE is a fluke invading the lungs; especially : either of two Old World forms of the genus Paragonimus (P. westermanii and P. kellicotti) that produce lesions in humans which are comparable to those of tuberculosis and that are acqu
Answer to: Build a medical word that means: matter ejected from lungs through the mouth. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step...
2.(Medicine) a less common word formedicinal n (Medicine)informala medical examination [C17: from Medieval Latinmedicālis,from Latinmedicusphysician, surgeon, frommedērīto heal] ˈmedicallyadv Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991...
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) results in fatigue, irritability, and aches and pains the week prior to a woman's period. It also causes fluid retention which can feel like a bloated stomach. Hormones are likely responsible for the change in fluid balance during a woman's period. Even though a ...
Giant bullous emphysema Pulmonology A disease affecting 1:1000 young usually ♂ subjects, characterized by multiple bullae of the apical portions of one or both lungs Clinical ↑ Resonance to percussion with radiologic disappearance of lung markings, hence, the term 'vanishing'; in absence of concomi...
Save Word extrapulmonaryadjectiveex·tra·pul·mo·nary -ˈpu̇l-mə-ˌner-ē, -ˈpəl- : situated or occurring outside the lungs extrapulmonary tuberculosis Dictionary Entries Near extrapulmonary extrapleural pneumonolysis extrapulmonary extrapunitive See More Nearby Entr...
26、rgan of aspiration) indicating relationship to the lung or lungs,BASIC ELEMENTS OFMEDICAL WORD,Podo-, Pod- (foot) meaning foot or foot- shaped, or relating to the foot,BASIC ELEMENTS OFMEDICAL WORD,Pharyng-, Pharyngo- (throat) signifying relationship to the pharynx,BASIC ELEMENTS OFMEDIC...
The symptoms of pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) includedyspnea(difficulty breathing), nonproductive cough, and fever. Chest X-rays show infiltrates in bothlungs. Typically, in untreated PCP, increasing pulmonary involvement leads to death. There is considerable debate over the classification of Pneumocystis...
Cystic fibrosis, emphysema, and alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency are the most common indications for double-LTX, also known as bilateral single-LTX (sequential replacement of both lungs). Comparing patients who have undergone en bloc double-LTX to patients who have undergone bilateral single-LTX, ...
Continuous Registration Challenge (CRC) is a challenge for registration of lung- and brain images inspired by modern software development practices. Participants implement their algorithm using the open source SuperElastix C++ API. The challenge focuses on pairwise registration of lungs and brains, two...