(redirected fromChoking agent) pul·mon·ar·y a·gent (pul'mŏ-nār-ē ā'jĕnt) A toxic chemical-warfare agent that affects the respiratory tract, especially the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli. These agents, such as phosgene (CG), can lead to shortness of breath ...
choking cot death crib death deep sleep deglutition apnea delayed sleep phase dreaming dysnystaxis dysomnia dyssomnia References in periodicals archive ? MY initial reaction to the scheme was one of horror because you think that it's just giving teenagers a chance to sleep around, as they can...
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting: Contributing to a More Informed Society Oct 7, 2015 | Best of Best - Just about the only time the CPB is in the news is when pols make noise about choking off federal funding for public media. But if more people knew the whole story, the conversa...
choking cold-shock reflex deglutition apnea Diazemuls dimenhydrinate Dramamine dyspneic edema Medical browser ? ▲ Behçet's syndrome Behçet's triad behenic acid behind-the-counter medicine behind-the-ear hearing aid Behn-Eschenburg, H. Behnken unit Behr Behr sign Behr syndrome Behr, Carl Behrin...
ALTE includes one or more of the following features: apnea, color change (may be cyanotic, pallid, erythematous or plethoric), marked change in muscle tone (limpness or rigidity) and choking or gagging. A specific cause for ALTE can be identified in over one-half of patients after a ...
Anbar et al. showed that hypnotherapy resolved all symptoms in 13 out of 16 patients (81%) and improved symptoms in the remaining 19% [82]. In all patients, of which many also had suspected co-existing conditions such as panic/ anxiety disorder or choking phobia, prior conservative treatment...
If it continues bleeding too much after fifteen mi-nutes of pressure, you should see the doctor.Choking(因噎住而窒息)Stand behind the choking person, put your arms around his or her waist and lean him or her slightly forward. Press his or her stomach. Do this up to five times. You ...
A.To assist them to recover consciousness.B.To make them feel comfortable.C.To keep them from choking.D.To cure them of their illnesses.【小题2】Which is the best way to protect the unconscious person in the study? A.Lying with his or her face up.B.Bending one leg and having a ...
Airway obstruction.Lack of oxygen for even a few minutes – from near-drowning, choking, strangulation and similar causes – can cause permanent brain injury or death. Heart attack.A heart attack can cause serious brain injury if flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain stops for ...
Nutritional advice can be provided by a nutritionist. A person with ALS often needs softer foods to prevent jaw exhaustion orchoking. Later in the disease, nutrition may be provided by agastrostomytube inserted into the stomach. Mechanical ventilation may be used when breathing becomes too difficul...