because 6.2 million of our neighbors have lost their jobs and, consequently, their health insurance. When you factor in spouses and children, the number of people who have been shoved out the door into the COVID cold becomes 12 million. ...
The most basic feature of any transportation network model, however, is the cost of movement along a road segment in either direction which is known as its “impedance.�? Many systems will assume the speed limit over the distance (impedance_time=speed/distance) between intersections to derive...
computer scientist, engineer and polymath. Von Neumann was generally regarded as the foremost mathematician of his time and said to be “the last representative of the great mathematicians”; he integrated pure and applied sciences.
Around that same time, my parents gave me first microscope. The obsession with water was real, always examining wet mounts of everything that could fit between the slide and the coverslip. All throughout my grade school and undergrad years, I flourished in any science course that featured a ...
To avert that possibility, scientists say we'd need to reduce emissions of the most important greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO2), from transportation and industry by 80 percent, a near impossibility given current political realities. The reckoning: global warming is likely to cause huge climatic...
"Is public transportation available and affordable?" "What is the cost of living like?" READ: What to Know About the AAMC Virtual Interview Tool. Be sure to also ask about the physical spaces in which the med school is located. Is the school near an undergraduate campus, and ar...
No one wanted to return and in the process, they lost confidence in me for making them waste their time” (Juo). Some serumistas who had worked at HCs expressed concerns about the skills of the laboratory personnel and the quality of the laboratory supplies. At least five serumistas ...
With modern modes of transportation, an outbreak can spread around the globe in weeks or even days, with some reports like that of the Global Health Security Index co-authored by doctors from John Hopkins University showing a viral infection could span the globe in under 36 hours. Airplanes ...
such as apples and carrots. The only reason I can think of that Jobs would do this is because he was told that apples and carrots were good for him and so he decided that if this was all he ate for a long period of time, that would be even better. However, while these foods have...
to cause serious injuries. Climbing a ladder to clean the gutters or standing on a chair in the kitchen can put you at risk if an episode should occur. If you must climb, let someone know what you are doing, ask for their assistance, or consider hiring a professional for big jobs. ...