As training peer tutors can have a multiplying effect of fundamental ultrasound skills among students while being less expensive than postgraduate staff, peer-to-peer-concepts can also be an attractive way for clinics in less supplied regions to still offer a cost-effective training program. ...
Overall, MOOCs represent an inspiring addition to medical higher education and practitioners’ continuing education training, but whether MOOCs can partially replace face-to-face classroom teaching remains uncertain. The development of MOOCs in China has kept pace with the world trend. China’s MOOCs ...
Some medical schools have implemented programs and policies beyond cultural competency training to create a positive environment for LGBTQI+ students.45 This environment includes financial support for LGBTQI+ student and faculty organizations, an organized presence of out and visible sexual and gender ...
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a potentially fatal condition that occurs as a result of intraluminal obstruction of the main pulmonary artery or its branches. The causative factors include thrombi, air, amniotic fluid, and fat. In PE, gas exchange is impaired due to the decreased return of ...
I do not think we have reached the point as anesthesia did a few years ago where programs need to pay the airfare of an applicant for an interview and cover the cost of accommodation at the top hotel near their medical center. But things are heading in that direction. The work will ...
Companies dealing with biomedical waste register with the state through its Biomedical Waste Program, which requires facility registration, training and inspections. Certain types of waste require specific treatment technologies, e.g., autoclaving or incineration. States also set penalties for noncompliance...
I wonder at the personal cost of their work. For some, of course, remote work is not the cause but the remedy for a lost marriage. One of these tells me: ”I came outback to recover myself. I needed work and quiet. I needed to find a purpose. I did and ten years later, I’...
They should arrange the training programs for the teachers and students to use the online learning platforms that maximize the LO in this challenging time. 5.3. Limitations and Future Research Directions This research is not without limitations. First, we collected data from fourth- and fifth-year...
The ‘self-supervised’ means it does not require the true labels of samples in the stage of model training. Self-supervised contrastive learning drawn much attention since the development of SimCLR [16] in 2020. The contrastive learning techniques, including SimCLR and its successors, have ...
Medical Translation: Bridging Language Gaps in Healthcare Medical Translation Related Pages: Biotechnology–Clinical Trials–Healthcare–Medical Devices–Pharmaceuticals–Informed Consent Forms–Back Translation–Drug Study Labels–Translation of Instructions for Use (IFU)–HIPAA compliant translation services–Hosp...