My original graduate training was in both Folklore and Anthropology, and my interest in ritual was sparked by one of my Folklore professors,Roger Abrahams, whose writings on ritual I found enticing. I did my Master’s thesis on the folklore of a Texas madam, Edna Milton, who for many years...
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Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Tertiary Academic Writing Through the Use of an Instructional Rubric for Peer Evaluation: A Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Canterbury: University of Canterbury; 2011. Intja NS, Naho...
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Conflict of Interest forms:Download Here For Any further Queries please mail to: JMT will maintain the open access policy and will continue to run with contribution from authors and donations from IORG Know More About Journal of Medical Thesis[Click Here] ...
Cambridge: PhD thesis, Harvard University, History of Science; 2011. Google Scholar Schmidt H, Neufeld VR, Nooman ZM, Ogunbode T. Network of community-oriented educational institutions for the health sciences. Acad Med. 1991;66(5):259–63. Article CAS Google Scholar Schmidt H, Dauphinee ...
Dr Paul Algra MD PhD, Northwest Hospital Group, Alkmaar, The Netherlands, is trained as radiologist in Leiden University Hospital and as neuroradiologist in Free University Amsterdam. His PhD thesis (1992) was on CT and MRI of vertebral metastases. He was vice-president of Dutch Radiological Soc...
Hengel E. Two Essays on Bankruptcy and One Essay on Gender Differences in Academic Publishing [doctoral thesis]. Cambridge, UK: University of Cambridge; 2015. 47. Merton RK. The Matthew effect in science: the reward and communication systems of science are considered. Science. 1968;159(3810)...
Submitted articles must be original, not previously published (except as an abstract, published lecture, or academic thesis). They should not be under consideration elsewhere, and all authors must approve publication. If accepted, the article will not be published elsewhere, in English or any other...
Regarding academic writing, outcomes in the model core curriculum include “Research Presentation,” which requires students to summarize their research in the form of a thesis, report, or conference presentation (Code: RE-04-01) as a competency [31]. The educational methods for research ...