Later(o)-: relating to the side Caud(o)-: tail Meso-: middle Cellular Modifiers Kary(o)-: nucleus Nucleo-: nucleus Poikilo-: variation; irregularity Reticulo-: reticulocyte Sphero-: shape of a sphere General Terms Anthropo-: human race Corpor(o)-: body; relating to the body Somato-/ -...
Learn to define the medical terms for the throat, voice box, and nose. Discover the treatments and surgical procedures related to the throat, voice...
The meaning of NEUROVISCERAL is of, relating to, or affecting the viscera and the autonomic nervous system that innervates them. How to use neurovisceral in a sentence.
The meaning of NEURODYNAMIC is of, relating to, or involving communication between different parts of the nervous system.
The complex process of pregnancy involves a variety of medical terms describing the mother, children, and circumstances. See the use of terms relating to the number of potential and viable pregnancies: gravity and parity. Childbearing Years By the time a woman reaches menopause, her childbearing ...
The meaning of SYMPATHOADRENAL is relating to or involving the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal medulla. How to use sympathoadrenal in a sentence.
The meaning of NEUROBEHAVIORAL is of or relating to the relationship between the action of the nervous system and behavior. How to use neurobehavioral in a sentence.
sym·pa·thet·i·co·ad·re·nal ˌsim-pə-ˈthet-i-(ˌ)kō-ə-ˈdrēn-ᵊl : of, relating to, or made up of sympathetic nervous and adrenal elements the sympatheticoadrenal system Dictionary Entries Near sympatheticoadrenal sympathetic nervous ...
: of or relating to both the mind and the nervous system as affecting mental processes Dictionary Entries Near neuropsychic neuropsychiatry neuropsychic neuropsychologist See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Neuropsychic.” Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, ...
The meaning of PYRAMIDAL is of, relating to, or having the form of a pyramid. How to use pyramidal in a sentence.