Medical Terminology-Chapter 1-Introduction 一. The Four Types of Word Parts Aword rootcontains the basic meaning of the term, usually indicating the involved body part. Acombining formis a word root with a combiningvoweladded at the end. The letter "o" is the most commonly used combining vo...
a word element attached to the beginning of a word or word root The prefix usually indicates a number, time, position, direction, or negation Many of the same prefixes used inmedical terminologyare also used in the English language Examples of Prefixes 02|Basic Guidelines Defining and building ...
Medical Terminology • Definition: This is the systematic study of the terms related to medicine or medical practice. • There are four main parts of words involved in building medical terms, these include; Ø Word Roots (WR) Ø
Medical Terminology Practice Let’s Get Started! Word Roots §A word root is the main part or stem of a word. A word root is derived from Greek or Latin words and usually indicates a body part. Examples: Cardi (heart) Gastr (stomach) nephr (kidney) ...
Medical Terminology is based on building blocks of word parts Prefix Suffix Root word Prefix Usually indicate location, time, number or status Prefix Usually indicate location, time, number or status Example: Pre=before Suffix Suffix Usually indicates procedure, condition, disorder, or disease ...
医学英语Medical Terminology MedicalTerminology TheWaytoDecipherMedicalTerms(EnglishVersion)MedicalTerminology •Definition:Thisisthesystematicstudyofthetermsrelatedtomedicineormedicalpractice.•Therearefourmainpartsofwordsinvolvedinbuildingmedicalterms,theseinclude;WordRoots(WR)Prefixes(P)Suffixes(S)and...
wordroots Identifythewordrootinthefollowingnon-medicalwords:teacher,teaches,teaching(teach)speaking,speaker,speaks(speak)reader,reading,reads(read)WordrootsinmedicalterminologyareusuallyderivedfromGreekorLatinandusuallyrefertoabodypart.ExamplesofWordRoods GreekWordWordRoot Kardia(heart)Cardi Gaster(stomach)...
1、medical terminology 医学 术语学 (yi xue shu yu xue) introduction to the first edition of medical terminology this is to serve as an introduction to medical terminology that is commonly in use by the english speaking international medical community. this book is put together with the chinese ...
Medical Terminology Systems Chapter 1 Basic Word Structure CHAPTER SECTIONS I . Word Analysis II . Combining Forms, Suffixes, and Picture Exercise CHAPTER OBJECTIVES To divide medical terms in to component parts To analyze, pronounce, and spell medical terms using common combining forms ,suffixes, an...