[唐氏综合征Down Syndrome] ③缩写(Acronyms) [SARS] Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ④现代语言(modern language) 1.prefix 前缀 ①数字 ②时间 ③位置 ④方向 2.root 词根 ①指的是身体的某个部分 ②也有可能表示数量,颜色,位置,一种表述 ③大部分来自拉丁语和希腊语 3.suffix 后缀 ①procedure ②condition...
我个人认为要学好medical terminology就一定要学会 Word Analysis以及要有发散思维 Word Analysis就是把单词拆成不同的成分,不管是多复杂或者多简单的单词都会被拆成以下几部分 1. Root: the foundation of the word. All medical terms have one or more roots. 2. Suffix: is the word ending, all medical te...
Those studying medical terminology often muddle the difference between -graphy, -gram and -graph and believe they can be used interchangeably. Although they are closely related, they are not interchangeable. The suffix -graphy refers to the act of making a recording or taking a picture. The tool...
d. suffix 3. Arthr/o is a(n) a. combining form b. acronym c . prefix d. suffix 4 . The AI in the abbreviation NSAID means (see Appendix 2) a. antacid b. antiinflammatory c . antiinfectious d. after incident收录于合集 ##医学术...
A simple sore throat, in medical terminology, is called Pharyngitis. Pharynx is the name for throat, and anything pertaining to the throat begins with the prefixpharyngo. The suffix-itisalways means inflammation. Put these two together, and you getpharyngitis. ...
Basic Word Structure of Medical Terminology BasicWordStructureofMedicalTerminology 韩明华泰山护理职业学院 构词法(wordstructureofmedicalterminology)1.医学术语的构词规律prefix(前缀)suffix(后缀)2.基本构成成分 root(词根)combiningvowel(连接元音)参考教材:《THELANGUAGEOFMEDICINE》W.B.SaundersCompany,6thEdition ...
All medical terms can be broken down into three word parts; these are the prefix, the stem (root), and the suffix. The part of the word which gives the basic meaning to the word is called the stem. The prefix is the part of the word which comes before the stem. The part of the...
-Malacia is a suffix, used in medical terminology to refer to the softening of the tissue. Encephalomalacia is a soft and damaged area of the brain after infection or stroke. What does the medical suffix -algia mean? The medical suffix -algia means pain. This can be combined with many ro...
UsingWordPartstoBuildMedicalTerminology(cont.)Suffix(S)–Attachedtotheendofaword,tochangethemeaningtoanoun,adjective,orverb.Allmedicaltermshavesuffixes.Examples:-ectomy=excisionorsurgicalremoval(N)-al=pertainingto(A)Chapter5MedicalTerminology Copyright©TheMcGraw-HillCompanies,Inc.5.1UnderstandingMedical...
医学词汇Medical_Terminology MedicalTerminology NURS1103orHLSC2613 CourseDescription Astudyofphysiologicalsystemsapproachtoprovideprinciplesofmedicalwordbuilding.Providesmedicalvocabularyincludinganatomy,physiology,systems,diagnostictestingandpharmacology.Thiscourseisappropriateforhealthcareadministration,healthsciencestudentssuchas...