Introduction to Medical Terminology;Introduction to Medical Terminology;objectives;Medical terminology;Common components ;词素 :a.词根 b.词缀 词根: a.自由词根(free root)-自由形式 b.粘着词根 词缀:a.派生词缀---前缀和后缀(粘附形式) b.屈折词缀(-er,-ed,-ing) ;Important word parts:;For example, ...
BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Presented by: Colleen Zhu Objectives ? Reviewing body systems and related medical terms ? Understanding how medical terms are formed including combining forms, prefixes and suffixes ? Learning to define, spell and pronounce medical terms according to the component word parts ?
Medical Terminology---Male Reproductive System MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM TERMS *Testis– Did you know that testis, testify, testimonial and testament all share a common root meaning? Testis means “witness” in Latin. As the testis witnesses to manhood, you may witness to the truth at trial, pro...
Medical Terminology of Internal Medicine(精品) 热度: DrAtefMasad PhDBiomedicine UnitedKingdom MedicalTerminology GoalofCourse Communicationbetweenmedicalspecialistsandsupportingstaffrequiresknowledgeofaconsistentandreproduciblevocabulary. Itisimportantforstudentstorealizethataccuratespelling,pronunciation,andusageofmedicalterms...
You should be getting pretty good at making sense of medical terminology. But, nothing beats practical application! Following is an abstract of a simulated patient’s medical record. Note words in italics. Take them apart. Look for the “root” meaning. Read the record and answer the questions...