Accuracy & Abbreviations in Medical Terminology Lesson Transcript Instructors Adrianne Baron View bio Different types of connective tissue in the body connect skin, organs, muscles, and bones. Learn about connective tissue, loose or areolar tissue, adipose tissue, dense or fibrous tissue, bone and...
B.Carbohydrates, which include sugars andstarches. The main carbohydrate is thesugar glucose, which circulates in the blood to provide energy for the cells. C.Lipids, which includefats. Some hormones are derived from lipids, andadipose (fat) tissueis designed to store lipids 细胞是生物体的基本...
B.Carbohydrates, which include sugars andstarches. The main carbohydrate is thesugar glucose, which circulates in the blood to provide energy for the cells. C.Lipids, which includefats. Some hormones are derived from lipids, andadip...
B.Carbohydrates, which include sugars andstarches. The main carbohydrate is thesugar glucose, which circulates in the blood to provide energy for the cells. C.Lipids, which includefats. Some hormones are derived from lipids, andadipose (fat) tissueis designed to store lipids 细胞是生物体的基本...
三. Tissue epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nerve tissue pathology: aplasia, anaplasia, hypoplasia, dysplasia, hyperplasia, hypertrophy 四. Pathology disease transmission: pathogen, communicable disease(contagious disease), indirect contact transmission, bloodborne transmission, airborne tran...
Lesson-1 Prefixes:size and amount Macro- large/visible to the naked eye Micro- small/not visible to the naked eye Hyper- high/above normal/elevated Hypo- low/below normal/decreased Eu-/Normo- normal Pan-/Omni- all A-/An- absent/lacking ...
Medical Terminology — The Basics Lesson 5附视频链接apo- = away from ;separation:远离或分离acr(o)- = extremity:四肢acrocynosis 手足发绀Anter(i/o)- = in front ; to the front:前方的或向前的anterior:前面的向前的amb(i)- = both sides :双边的ambidextrou
c. in which normal liver lobules are replaced by small regeneration nodules, sometimes containing fat, separated by a fairly regular framework of fine fibrous tissue strands (hob-nail liver); usually due to chronic alcoholism. Can cause severe impairment of liver function, portal hypertension with...
of a primary cutaneous melanoma measured in tissue sections from the top of the epidermal granular layer, or from the ulcer base (if the tumor is ulcerated), to the bottom of the tumor; metastatic rates correlate closely with tumor t.. thiel SYN: sulfhydryl. thiemia (thi-e′me-a) ...
I believe this is the most complete list that you will find, either in a book or on the ...