Medical Terminology & Phrases Letter P: "pseudoai-pseudovary" Online Medical Dictionary: "pseudoai-pseudovary" Online Medical Dictionary Main Page|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z|Other pseudoai-pseudovary ...
howtomastermedicaltermrapidly 认识世界的基本方法:3“w”原则 whatwhyhow what thrombocyto’penia lympho’cytic leu’kemia 医学英语术语(medicalterm):上述这些单词来源于希腊或拉丁词根,有特定的医学含义,我们将之统称为-医学英语术语;医学术语学(medicalterminology):将专门研究它的...
1、1 1medical terminologyeric niu234daily expressions for doctors1.请张开手,用这块棉花压一会儿。请张开手,用这块棉花压一会儿。pleas open your hand, press it with this bit of cotton wool for a while.2.每晚塞一个在肛门(阴道)内。每晚塞一个在肛门(阴道)内。 inset one suppository into your ...
Aortosclerosis (a_ -or-to _ -skle-RO _ -sis) is hardening of the ___.5. The term microvascular (mi_ -kro _ -VAS-ku _ -lar) means pertaining to small___.6. Arteriolitis is inf l ammation of an ___.Exercise 9-2 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 13 p. DB52T 1677-20...
-sclerosis Hardening -stenosis Narrowing -therapy Treatment -trophy Development -centesis Puncture to Withdraw Fluid -ectomy Surgical Removal -ostomy Surgically Create an Opening -otomy Cutting Into -plasty Surgical Repair -rrhaphy To Suture -tome Instrument to Cut -graphy Process of Recording (Verb)...
Whenawordrootisshownaloneasacombining form,itincludesaslash(/)andthecombining vowel.SUFFIXES•Asuffixisawordpartthatisaddedtotheendofawordtocompletethatterm.Inmedicalterminology,suffixesusually,butnotalways,indicateaprocedure,condition,disorder,ordisease.Forexample,tonsill/omeanstonsils.
-ago, -iasis, -osis, -esis, -ion, -ia, -ism 4.suffixes related to pathology -algia, -dynia(pain), -itis, -megaly, -malacia(softening)[1], -necrosis(tissue death)[2], -sclerosis, -stenosis(narrowing) 5.suffixes related to procedures ...
1、medical terminology 医学 术语学 (yi xue shu yu xue) introduction to the first edition of medical terminology this is to serve as an introduction to medical terminology that is commonly in use by the english speaking international medical community. this book is put together with the chinese ...
"Medical terminology," says Lubarsch, editor of Virchows Archiv, "has never distinguished itself by its exactitude, clarity and precision." He then yields to the impulse that has assailed many another medical editor, and relieves his emotions by scolding the tribe of medical authors.15 He ...
medicalterminology MedicalTerminology EricNiu 1 2 3 4 DailyExpressionsforDoctors 1.请张开手,用这块棉花压一会儿。Pleasopenyourhand,pressitwiththisbitofcottonwoolforawhile.2.每晚塞一个在肛门(阴道)内。Insetonesuppositoryintoyouranus(vagina)everynight.DifferentKindsofDrugs 药膏paste/ointment口服液oral...