Write in the medical term for the following definition: "redness of the skin". What does the following medical term stand for? PERRLA ___ What does the abbreviation BUN mean in medical terminology? Write the medical term for the following definition: transient elevated patches (wheals). L...
This is evident in medical terminology such as nephrology (the study of kidneys) and nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). Therefore, "nephr" is associated with the kidney rather than the liver, stomach, or spleen. Rate this question: 2. Arthr means A. Finger B. Joints C. Pain ...
Break down the word "Pulmonolgist" for medical terminology. Give a definition of each section of the word: Word root, Prefix, Combining form, and Suffix. Identify the correct spelling for the following term, and then define it: (a) subcutenous (b) subcortenus ...
Unlike other technical languages (like in engineering, physics or IT), medical terminology has a logical reasoning behind it. Firstly there are the Greek and Latin roots for the various body parts and the organs. Then we have the roots that signify a disease process, a descriptor (colour, po...
medical terminology 【英语】医学名词 Medical Terminology Terminology 制造业英语专业术语 缩写及全称及英汉互译 医学专业英语资料:introduction to medical terms Medical Terminology Simplified 测绘专业专业术语 涂装专业术语 股票专业术语 照明专业术语 管道专业术语 专业术语解释 焊接专业术语 建筑专业术语 GPS专业术语 煤...
Medical Terminology Quiz 2 38個詞語 emilycole_9 預覽 Medical dosage 13個詞語 ajeanne8808 預覽 本學習集中的詞語(44) Know your body positions and directions Prone position: Lying face down, often used for back exams or procedures.Supine position: Lying face up, used for abdominal, chest, or...
Healthcare Topics and Curriculum Development for the Healthcare Industry. Home Medical Terminology in Nursing: How to Use Medical Terminology to Connect to Your Patients Posted onSeptember 30, 2022 If you are a nurse, or thinking about a career in nursing, you want to do what is best for yo...
MedicalTerminology EricNiu 1 2 3 4 DailyExpressionsforDoctors 1.请张开手,用这块棉花压一会儿。Pleasopenyourhand,pressitwiththisbitofcottonwoolforawhile.2.每晚塞一个在肛门(阴道)内。Insetonesuppositoryintoyouranus(vagina)everynight.DifferentKindsofDrugs 药膏paste/ointment口服液oralliquidoralsolution酊...
Definitions of the top 150 prescription abbreviations, including bid, qhs, po, ad, hs, and tid. Your essential guide to medical terminology.
Combining Form: erythem/o & erythemat/o: redness diaphoresis Definition: sweating to an unusual degree, profuse sweating Combining Form: diaphor/o: profuse sweating & hidr/o: sweat trichomycosis Definition: abnormal condition of a fungus in the hair ...