Online Medical Dictionary: Medical Terminology & Phrases Letter T: "T-TAF" Online Medical Dictionary: "T-TAF" Online Medical Dictionary These links go to pages on our site, with the word links then going toTheFreeDictionary By Farlex.
Those studying medical terminology often muddle the difference between -graphy, -gram and -graph and believe they can be used interchangeably. Although they are closely related, they are not interchangeable. The suffix -graphy refers to the act of making a recording or taking a picture. The tool...
-algia, -dynia(pain), -itis, -megaly, -malacia(softening)[1], -necrosis(tissue death)[2], -sclerosis, -stenosis(narrowing) 5.suffixes related to procedures -centesis(surgical puncture to remove fluid for diagnostic purposes or to remove excess fluid) -graphy(the process of producing a pict...
TheKey:Learningmedicalterminologyismucheasier onceyouunderstandhowwordpartsworktogether toformmedicalterms.It’sjustlikeanArchitecttrying tomakeabeautifuldesignforbuilding.TheFourTypesofWordParts Fourtypesofwordpartsmaybeusedtocreatemedicalterms.Awordrootcontainsthebasicmeaningoftheterm.Thiswordpartusually,butnot...
Medical termsBilingual terminographyTranslation equivalentHyponymyIndeterminacySemanticsPolysemyAcronymsEuphemism alternative translationsThis paper examines the linguistic challenges in translating English medical terminology into Chinese, finding appropriate translations equivalents for their individual denotations and ...
Medical Terminology---Basics 2017.11.270+ Basics Before we can start in with some new and interesting medical terms, you need to learn a few fundamentals of how medical terminology is constructed as a language. There are three basic parts to medical terms: a word root (usually the middle ...
thrombocyto’penia lympho’cytic leu’kemia 医学英语术语(medicalterm):上述这些单词来源于希腊或拉丁词根,有特定的医学含义,我们将之统称为-医学英语术语;医学术语学(medicalterminology):将专门研究它的学问称为-医学术语学:anintroductiontothelanguageofveterinaryandhumanmedicine.上述的医学术语有的...
-osis condition of Poly Many -graphy procees of recording -tachy Fast -uria Condition of urine Cutaneo Skin Pre- before Histo Tissue Dermo Skin -gram Record; picture Pyo- pus Entero Intestine Oro Mouth Encephalo- brain -Ology Study of -emia blood condition Hypo- deficient -itis inflammation關...
-graphy Process of Recording (Verb) -gram Record/Picture (Noun) -metry Process of Measuring (Verb) -meter Instrument for Measuring (Noun) -scope Instrument for Viewing (Noun) -scopic Pertaining to Visual Examination -scopy Process of Visually Examining (Verb) ...
BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Presented by: Colleen Zhu Objectives ? Reviewing body systems and related medical terms ? Understanding how medical terms are formed including combining forms, prefixes and suffixes ? Learning to define, spell and pronounce medical terms according to the component word parts ?