心血管系统,由心脏和血管组成。淋巴系统,器官和组织能够协助循环并且保护机体免受外来物质的侵袭。 organs 翻译:丹妮 猫苗 01来个介绍 ①Circulation 「循环」 Cardiovascular system,consisting of the heart and blood vessels.Lymphatic system, organs, and vessels that aid circulation and help protect the body ...
《Medical Terminology医学专业英语词汇cardiovascular system心血管系统》由Observatories创作,目前已更新25个节目,包含cardio (1)、cardio (2)、cardio (3)、cardio (4)、cardio (5)等内容。用声音分享人类智慧,用声音服务美好生活,更多好内容尽在喜马拉雅。
Observatories创作的外语有声书作品Medical Terminology 医学专业英语词汇_cardiovascular system(心血管系统),目前已更新25个声音,收听最新音频章节cardio (25)。
MedicalTerminology CardiovascularSystem Chapter9 AnatomyandPhysiology pumpanddeliverysystem supplytrillionsofcellswithoxygenandothernutrientsvitalforsurvival transportcellularwastetoappropriateorgansforremoval Structures heart-pump vessels-container blood-liquid
【周五】Medical Terminology 医学术语:器官 organs 翻译:丹妮 猫苗 01来个介绍 ①Circulation「循环」Cardiovascular system,consisting of the heart and blood vessels.Lymphatic system, organs, and vessels that aid circulation and help protect the body from foreign materials心血管系统,由心脏和血管组成。淋巴...
Medical Terminology 医学术语:器官 organs 翻译:丹妮 猫苗 01来个介绍 ①Circulation 「循环」 Cardiovascular system,consisting of the heart and blood vessels.Lymphatic system, organs, and vessels that aid circulation and help protect the body from foreign materials...
Medical Terminology 医学术语:器官 organs 翻译:丹妮 猫苗 01来个介绍 ①Circulation 「循环」 Cardiovascular system,consisting of the heart and blood vessels.Lymphatic system, organs, and vessels that aid circulation and help protect the body from foreign materials...
Medical Terminology Flash Cards---Cardiovascular System2017.08.29 0+ 当前浏览器不支持 video直接播放,点击这里下载视频: 上一篇 0 下一篇 共有0 条评论 注册 登录/ 发表评论 没有评论网站导航 关于我们 医学术语 医英阅读 医英视听 医英写作 英语赛事 科研服务 联系我们 友情链接 ...
Each unit contains 5 parts, namely: (1) human body systems and vocabulary, (2) formation of medical terminology, (3) clinical literature writing, (4) diversified medical cultures, and (5) an after-class quiz. Students are expected to start with human body system and related English ...
Medical Terminology1 Concepts,Suffixes,and Prefixes of Medical Terminology2 Body Structure3 Disease and TreatmentPART II Body Systems4 Integumentary System5 Skeletal System6 Muscular System7 Nervous System and Mental Health8 Special Senses:E...