Write the medical term for the following definition: coin-sized or coin-shaped. Define the following abbreviation commonly used by medical personnel to speed up their charting in the patient's record: "c/o". What are the main directional terms used for medical descriptions?
A medical term can consist of three parts: a prefix, root word and suffix. The prefix is at the beginning of some words, the root word is the literal term of the word and the suffix is at the end of some words. Some terms contain a combining f...
Thus, the term parapsoriasis seems to fulfill this role. It keeps the dermatologist aware that patients need close follow-up without stigmatizing them with a lymphoma diagnosis. The lack of definition of parapsoriasis' true nature persists. We know that many of these cases are incipient forms ...
The medical term may have one or more prefixes or suffixes to describe the medical term. In addition, a medical term may have a vowel to help with pronunciation between the word parts.Combining Word PartsWhen you combine the parts of a medical term, each part's meaning always stays the sa...
how to master medical term rapidly规lmedical term :按构词规则构成的:按构词规则构成的词占词占80;另一部分是人名,药名;另一部分是人名,药名等构成的词等构成的词,占占20;先介绍几个有关词l词根是一个单词的核心词根是一个单词的核心l词缀包括前缀和后缀(词缀包括前缀和后缀(prefix and suffix)l词素(词素...
This article is not just about learning and memorizing but about being able to logically work out what a term means by simple methods of understanding the roots. Then there are simple rules that apply when combining these together to form a word. For example, when a prefix ends in the vowe...
Yourfirstjobinlearningthelanguageistounderstandhowtodividewordsintotheircomponentparts.Themedicallanguageislogicalinthatmostterms,whethercomplexorsimple,canbebrokendownintobasicpartsandthenunderstood.Forexample,considerthefollowingterm:Wordstructureanalysis Electrocardiogram electr/o/cardi/o/gramRootrootsuffixCombining...
After long-term storage, nobiletin goes towards the autohydrolysis process, determining its degradation into 5-demethylnobiletin. The last compound can be also obtained through the conversion of orally consumed nobiletin by gastric acid. Both the initial molecule and its derivate have shown, in ...
1. the stratum basalis and stratum spinosum considered together; called also malpighian layer. 2. the lower layer of the nail, from which the nail grows; called also germinative layer. stratum granulo´sum the cell layer of the epidermis lying between the stratum lucidum and the stratum spino...