Runny nose:The production of extra mucus by the nose.Rhinorrheais the medical term for this common problem. The nose makes extra mucus whenever something that is in the nose, such as pollen or dust, needs to be removed. Mucus formation is also part of thehistaminereaction to allergies and ...
Allergic rhinitis:Medical term forhay fever, an allergic reaction that mimics a chronic cold. Symptoms includenasalcongestion, a clearrunny nose, sneezing, nose and eye itching, and tearing of the eyes. Postnasal dripping of clear mucus frequently causes a cough, loss ofsmellis common, and occas...
14、) this is the central meaning of the term and is usually in the middle of the medical term. prefix前缀 (qian zhui)seen at the the beginning of the term it helps to identify the central meaning. suffix后缀 (hou zhui) always at the end of the term, the suffix modifies the central...
What is the medical term for runny stool? What is the CPT code of cystoscopy bladder biopsy and fulguration? Arrange the following from the most sensitive test to the least. The terms for arrangement include: breast MRI, mammogram, biopsy of the lesion, breast ultrasound, breast exam. ...
We haven’t introduced word roots yet. I just wanted to demonstrate the major parts of a medical term. Let’s see how prefix and suffix changes can alter the meaning of a term without changing its central meaning by keeping the root the same. ...
runny nose, watery eyes, cough, sneezing, post-nasal drip, and a low fever (below 101 F). Swollen lymph nodes under the chin and the front of the neck could indicate any kind of infection. They could accompany an ear infection or sinus infection, for example. ...
Bacterial pneumonias, except for tuberculosis, are not very contagious. They can occur from bacteria normally found in your nose or throat which then spread to the lungs for a variety of reasons. What Is Walking Pneumonia? Though not a medical term, many people use this phrase to describe a...
The medical term for this condition is “epiphora” and it is one of the most difficult conditions to resolve in all of veterinary ophthalmology. There are two causes of Epiphora (excess tearing) in pets: irritation to the eye and abnormal tear drainage....
COPD is caused by long-term exposure to cigarette smoke, chemicals or fumes at work, air pollution, or other irritants. Over time, exposure to these toxic substances damages the airways and makes them less elastic. The walls between the air sacs are destroyed, making it difficult for the al...
nose A term used both for the externally visible part and for the internal nasal air passages. The nose is the normal entry route for inspired air, which is warmed, moistened and cleaned. Chemical particles in the air stimulate the nerve endings of the olfactory nerves in the roof of the ...