Related to blacked out:passing out (blak), Greene V., U.S. dentist, 1836-1915. See:Black classification. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 black Medspeak-UK A person who, for the purposes of equal opportunity monitoring, has Black ethnic lineage, which includes, but is not...
Additionally, adding a control group of clinicians taking the survey would have been helpful to validate the agreement behind what clinicians intend when they use these phrases, though the only phrase we can hypothesize where this may be used differently depending on the context is the term “...
1.vessels through which blood is shunted from arterioles to venules without passing through the capillaries. The term "arteriovenous anastomosis" is widely used, but not preferred, because the connection is between arterioles and venules rather than arteries and veins. ...
The ossicles function as levers, amplifying the motion of the tympanic membrane, and passing the vibrations on to the cochlea. From there the vestibulocochlear (eighth cranial) nerve transmits the vibrations, translated into nerve impulses, to the auditory center in the brain. Diseases of the ...
The term “medical device” covers a broad range of products, including needles, syringes,infusion pumps, endoscopes, examination gloves, dressings, and blood glucose meters, that are used every day in most healthcare settings. Materials and medical devices constitute an extremely diverse, heterogeneo...
come around so quickly due to the short length of the terms you can usually get away with this and the holidays are often a valuable opportunity to make sure you understand the past term’s work before the chaos of term time starts again. Some academic staff even go as far as to say...
In addition to surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, other palliative measures can provide symptomatic relief. Dilatation of the narrowed portion of the esophagus with soft tubes can provide short-term relief of dysphagia. Placement of a flexible, self-expanding stent within the narrowed portion is ...
We use the term medical AI to describe any application that (i) uses advanced learning algorithms and (ii) is employed in a medical context. We will thereby recognise two important subclasses: clinical medical AI, which is used to aid the diagnostic process, e.g., through the analysis of ...
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