3.One of the individual points or patches of a multifocal disease. [L.laedo,pp.laesus,to injure] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 lesion A useful and widely used medical term meaning any injury, wound, infection, or any structural or other form of...
wound drainany device by which a channel or open area may be established for the exit of material from a wound or cavity. See alsowound healing. wound healingrestoration of integrity to injured tissues by replacement of dead tissue with viable tissue; this starts immediately after an injury, ...
traumatic inflammationone that follows a wound or injury. ulcerative inflammationthat in which necrosis on or near the surface leads to loss of tissue and creation of a local defect (ulcer). Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 20...
The medical term for a broken bone is a fracture.But there are different kinds of fractures.A single fracture is when a bone is broken in just one place.You may have heard the term hairline fracture.This is a single fracture that is very small,like the width of a hair.A complete fract...
The medical term for a broken bone is a fracture.But there are different kinds of fractures.A single fracture is when a bone is broken in just one place.You may have heard the term hairline fracture.This is a single fracture that is very small,like the width of a hair.A complete ...
like a young stick of wood.Another kind of break is an open or compound fracture.This is when the bone breaks the skin.This is very serious.Along with the bone damage there is a risk of infection in the open wound.A lot of things happen as the body reacts to an injury like a ...
like a young stick of wood.Another kind of break is an open or compound fracture.This is when the bone breaks the skin.This is very serious.Along with the bone damage there is a risk of infection in the open wound. A lot of things happen as the body reacts to an injury like a ...
A Japanese contact sport in which a wrestler (rikishi) tries to force an opponent out of a circular ring (dohyoo) or touch the ground with any part of his body other than the soles of his feet. The sport is nearly as old as Japan itself, which is the only country where it is prac...
mechanism of injury Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Acronyms,Encyclopedia. Abbreviation:MOI The manner in which a physical injury occurred (e.g., fall from a height, ground-level fall, high- or low-speed motor vehicle accident, ejection from a vehicle, vehicle rollover). The MOI is used ...
There is emergency stress, a situation that poses an immediate threat, such as a near accident in an automobile, a wound, or an injury. There is also continuing stress, such as that caused by changes in the body during puberty, pregnancy, menopause, acute and chronic diseases, and ...