(redirected fromMucocutaneous irritation) Dictionary Financial Encyclopedia sick build·ing syn·drome old term for building-related illness. sick build·ing syn·drome old term for building-related illness. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
COPD is caused by long-term exposure to cigarette smoke, chemicals or fumes at work, air pollution, or other irritants. Over time, exposure to these toxic substances damages the airways and makes them less elastic. The walls between the air sacs are destroyed, making it difficult for the al...
EENT:sinusitis; pharyngitis (with gum); mouth and throat irritation (with inhaler); nasopharyngeal irritation, rhinitis, sneezing, watering eyes, eye irritation (with nasal spray) GI:nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, dry mouth, dyspepsia; increased salivation, sore mouth (wi...
Do not attempt to insert the cotton straight into the ear canal as it might harm the internal ear and create long-term hearing loss. An overuse of the microsuction technique by otolaryngologists, sometimes referred to as “ear selecting” or “piercing,” can damage the delicate cells of ...
Some medications can affect bowel function; for example; stimulants can cause abdominal pain, and βeta-blockers can cause diarrhoea, constipation and stomach irritation[39]. These GI disorders can cause pain and discomfort to and interfere with learning in ...
• Be aware that excessive or long-term use may lead to laxative dependence. Adverse reactions EENT:throat irritation GI:nausea, diarrhea, mild cramps Skin:rash Other:bitter taste, decreased appetite, laxative dependence Interactions Drug-drug.Mineral oil:increased mineral oil absorption, causing tox...
In addition to surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, other palliative measures can provide symptomatic relief. Dilatation of the narrowed portion of the esophagus with soft tubes can provide short-term relief of dysphagia. Placement of a flexible, self-expanding stent within the narrowed portion is ...
Any of several chemical compounds used to produce temporary irritation of the eyes, throat, and upper airway in crowd-control settings. Riot-control agents are typically solids that can be dissolved in organic solvents and dispersed as powders, solutions, or smoke. Because they are not gases, th...
The medical term for this condition is “epiphora” and it is one of the most difficult conditions to resolve in all of veterinary ophthalmology. There are two causes of Epiphora (excess tearing) in pets: irritation to the eye and abnormal tear drainage....
Throat sprays: These can help numb the throat, which helps to stop the pain. Tea with honey: Honey has been shown to relieve throat irritation, and hot water from a mild tea can do the same. Remedies are aimed at keeping the throat moist, as well as symptom relief; humidifiers and vap...