A papule is a small skin lesion that is caused by small cuts in the skin and the infection of bacteria. Learn about the definition, causes, and how papules are treated. Related to this QuestionThe term for a small, raised spot or bump on the skin, such...
What is the correct term for the digestive disease or disorder described as inflammation of the peritoneal membrane? Fill in the correct phrase(s) to make a true sentence. A dry, waxy swelling with swollen lips and thickened nose is diagnosed as ___. Name...
elephant skin Dictionary Encyclopedia Dermatology Adescriptivetermforskinwithsubcutaneousoedema,redundancyanddermalthickening(elephantiasis),whichisseenininfectionbyOnchocercavolvulus. ENT AfancifultermforGrade-3laryngealoedemacausedbyprolongedacidreflux,withredundantthickenedmucosaandanairwaytolaryngealdiameterratiooflessth...
the tumor may spread throughout the tongue to the floor of the mouth and to the gum (jaws). As a tumor grows, it becomes more life threatening by spreading (metastasizing) to lymph nodes in the neck and later to the rest of the body. The general term for this type of cancer is can...
the itching or the rash. This is analogous to the chicken and egg controversy. It really does not matter. When the rash is in an acute stage, it is weepy and oozy. Later after the patient has been rubbing and scratching for some weeks, it becomes a plaque of thickened skin. This is...
Although the term mole may cover a variety of different sorts of skin growths, most often it refers to a localized accumulation of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. These are generally uniform in color and round in shape. In dermatology, moles are sometimes known as benign neoplasms. ...
cauliflower eara thickened and deformed ear caused by accumulation of fluid and blood clots in the tissue after repeated injury; it is most often seen in boxers, for whom it is almost an occupational hazard. The ear will not recover its normal shape but can be restored to normal by plastic...
A general term for an itchy red rash that initially weeps or oozes serum and may become crusted, thickened, or scaly. Eczematous rash may result from various causes, including allergies, irritating chemicals, drugs, scratching or rubbing the skin, or sun exposure. It may be acute or chronic....
[G.epi,upon, +thēlē,nipple, a term applied originally to the thin skin covering the nipples and the papillary layer of the border of the lips] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 epithelium The non-stick coating cell layer for all surfaces of the bod...
Although the term mole may cover a variety of different sorts of skin growths, most often it refers to a localized accumulation of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. These are generally uniform in color and round in shape. In dermatology, moles are sometimes known as benign neoplasms. ...