tooth(teeth) 牙齿 tongue 舌头 throat 喉咙 chin 下巴 lower jaw 下颚 neck 脖子 shoulder 肩膀 arm (forearm) 手臂 elbow 手肘 wrist 手腕 hand 手 palm 手掌 fist 拳头 fingers (the thumb and index finger)手指 nail 指甲 chest 胸部 pit 胸口 abdomen 腹部 belly 肚子 navel 肚脐 waist 腰 back 背 back...
4.An informal term for a fraction. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 cut (kŭt) v.cut,cutting,cuts 1.To penetrate with a sharp edge; strike a narrow opening in. 2.To separate into parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument; sever:cut cloth with scissor...
Gastrorrhaphy胃缝合术 lesson-6-Anatomical term 1 head and neck anatomy Cephal(o)- head Facio- face Crani(o)- skull Trich(o)- hair Stoma-/Oro- mouth Gloss(o)-/linguo- tongue Labio-/cheilo- lips Dent-/odont(o)- teeth Gingivo- gums牙龈 Rhino-/naso- nose Buccal cheek Geni(o)-/ment...
If you have jaw pain, it may be caused by grinding teeth, or it may not. A doctor can assess you for other potential causes, including infections, ear problems, TMJ problems, and dental issues. If you are grinding your teeth, you will be encouraged to take daily steps to relieve the ...
What is the medical term for teeth grinding? A healthy person is the victim of a stab wound in the back that damaged one side of the spinal cord. Which of the following are potential outcomes of the stabbing? a. Paralysis of the right face, arm,...
Jaw Pain: Grinding Teeth Ever wake up with an ache in your jaw? A lot of people grind their teeth at night, and this can leave your jaw aching painfully the next day. If you are grinding your teeth while you sleep, you may have other symptoms, such as insomnia, headaches, ear aches...
The general term for this type of cancer is cancer of the oral cavity. Hope this help. Q. What are the symptoms of tongue cancer? I have a white patch on my tongue for quite a while. I tried scratching it off but it...
[52], demonstrating the short-term use of teriparatide could be both an efficacious and safe medical strategies for the management of MRONJ [52]. The side effects profile of teriparatide includes nausea, anorexia, renal dysfunction and musculoskeletal pain which can be limiting factors [52]. The...
Term neurolysis osteogenic pathogenic myelopathy gastropathy bronchospasm adenoma cystocele hyperglycemia lithiasis Meaning 神经组织崩溃, 精神疲惫 成骨的,骨源性的 致病的, 病原的, 发病的 脊髓病,骨髓病 胃病 支气管痉挛 腺瘤 膀胱突出症 多糖症, 高血糖症 结石病 * * write the meanings of the words in ...
14、) this is the central meaning of the term and is usually in the middle of the medical term. prefix前缀 (qian zhui)seen at the the beginning of the term it helps to identify the central meaning. suffix后缀 (hou zhui) always at the end of the term, the suffix modifies the central...