Medical term (medical dictionary) is the medical terminology for Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy-to-understand explanations of over 18,000 medical terms.
the skin around the boil becomes red, painful, and swollen; several boils may cluster around the original one (a carbuncle); a fever develops; the lymph nodes in the area become swollen Where Do Boils Appear on Your Body? The most common places for boils to appear are on your: neck, a...
COPD is caused by long-term exposure to cigarette smoke, chemicals or fumes at work, air pollution, or other irritants. Over time, exposure to these toxic substances damages the airways and makes them less elastic. The walls between the air sacs are destroyed, making it difficult for the al...
A nonspecific lay term for any pigmented lesion, benign or malignant.Obstetrics(1) Hydatidiform mole, see there.(2) Complete mole. The chorionic villi are swollen, often accompanied by trophoblastic proliferation but not foetal tissue. CMs are 10–20 times more common in Southeast Asia, and ...
the front of the chest, especially the modified cutaneous, glandular structure it bears, the mamma. In women the breasts are secondary sex organs with the function of producing milk after childbirth. The term breast is less commonly used to refer to the breasts of the human male, which neithe...
The term "otomy" refers to a surgical procedure that involves cutting into a specific area of the body. This procedure is performed to gain access to a particular organ or tissue for various purposes such as removal, repair, or examination. It is different from "ectomy," which involves the...
医学名词解释(Medical term interpretation).doc,医学名词解释(Medical term interpretation) The renal sinus The renal portal has a larger cavity in the kidney, known as the renal sinus renal sinus, sinus renalis, the main branch of the renal artery in th
Natalie Adler was 17 when she woke up one morning to find her eyelids mysteriously swollen, which was odd, but not necessarily alarming. However, her condition quickly deteriorated. "[My eyes] just developed into this random cycle where they wouldspasm shutfor three days then open for three ...
When does a medical term need a combining vowel between two word roots? Always, regardless of the second word root's first letter. Example: oste/o/arthr/itis. Is a combining vowel needed after a prefix? No, combining vowels are not used after prefixes. What is the medical term for incre...
which would prevent air from reaching the middle ear. A vacuum and suction then pulls fluid and germs from the nose and throat into the middle ear. Since the tubes are swollen, the fluid cannot drain. This provides a medium for the growth of bacteria or virus, which leads to a middle ...