-graft organ/tissue used for transplantation to replace Lesson-5-examples Myasthenia肌无力 Osteomalacia骨软化 Diplococcus双球菌 Xenograft异种移植 Arthrocentesis关节穿刺术 Gastrorrhaphy胃缝合术 lesson-6-Anatomical term 1 head and neck anatomy Cephal(o)- head Facio- face Crani(o)- skull Trich(o)- ...
The medical term(s) that mean(s) containing both mucus and pus is: a. sputum. b. mucopurulent. c. spittle. d. sputum and mucus. Which of the following terms means excision or surgical removal of the tear gland? a. cryoextraction b. dacryoadenectomy ...
The term head and neck cancers refers to a group of cancers found in the head and neck region. This includes tumors found in: The oral cavity (mouth). The lips, the tongue, the teeth, the gums, the lining inside the lips and cheeks, the floor of the mouth (under the tongue), the...
Looking for online definition of sialendoscopy in the Medical Dictionary? sialendoscopy explanation free. What is sialendoscopy? Meaning of sialendoscopy medical term. What does sialendoscopy mean?
52. Evaluating SWEEPS as Alternative Method for Endodontic Filling Material Removal Procedure During Retreatment: Systematic Review Brian Limantoro, Mohammad Iqbal, Sherina Fatwa Imanu, Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, Kurnia Dwi Wulan, Jovan Dewanta Natanael, Daniel Natan, Andi Ayodhya Chandra Dirawan, Cha...
足月分娩term delivery 92 肌理texture n. therapy n. 治疗,疗法 thermal adj. 热的;热量的 体温计thermometer n. 大腿thigh n. 渴感thirst n. 胸腔thorax n. [ ] 威胁threat n. 震颤thrill n. 咽喉throat n. 沙哑的throaty adj. 跳动throb n. 血栓thrombus n. 拇指thumb n. 重击thump n. 甲状腺...
Salivary gland tumors - for treatment of recurrent, unresectable, or metastatic salivary gland tumors as a single agent when the tumor is androgen receptor positive; Inhibition of premature luteinizing hormone (LH) surge in a member undergoing ovulation induction or assisted reproductive technology (ART...
(3) Determine adequacy of surgical removal—e.g., tumours. Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. biopsy nounA term for 1.A surgical procedure in which a small piece of tissue is removed from a Pt. ...
Up-to-date information on voluntary participation in clinical trials and where they are being held is available by entering the search term "radiation therapy" at the following web sites: National Cancer Institute. 〈http://cancertrials.nci.nih.gov〉 or (800) 4-CANCER. National Institutes ...
Tubular structure giving exit to secretion of a gland or organ. See also: canal Synonym(s): ductus. [L. duco, pp. ductus, to lead] Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012 Patient discussion about duct Q. what are the risks of surgical removal of the cyst in acas...