Q. Pulling pain in anus.Dear friends, I am 32. I feel a Pulling pain in anus sometimes while i finish passing stool and some times when i sit for long time. No bleeding so far. Is it a symptoms of piles? If so what can be done to cure it without going to doctor or operation....
My neighbour in Wadeye, a white lady who has worked here for years, calls me: “Don’t leave your vehicle parked outside overnight. The kids congregate for fighting quite close by. Your car will be a great temptation, an alternative to a fight for bored kids”. Then she adds: “Come...
第11题 判断题 (1分) A durable power of attorney is created chiefly for financial matters. Is this statement true or false? 第12题 判断题 (1分) A living will is equated with “pulling the plug”. Is this statement true or false? 第13题 判断题 (1分) No insurance company can adjust...
4.Obsolete term fortraction. [L.extensus,past part. ofextendere, to stretch out, extend] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 extension (ĭk-stĕn′shən) n. 1. a.The act of straightening or extending a limb.
Manufactured by our experienced engineers and technical staff, the SURESTORE™ Storage System provides long-term ‘active’ aseptic storage and transportation of endoscopes (including GI and theatre-based scopes). Conditioned directly from ... Compare this product medical cartTRANSCOPE™ equipment tr...
However, towards morning she takes a draught out of the large flask, and then she sleeps a little: then I will do something for you." She now jumped out of bed, flew to her mother; with her arms round her neck, and pulling her by the beard, said, "Good morrow, my own sweet nan...
An average, healthy full-term baby at birth weighs 7.5 lb (3.4 kg), and the placenta and fluid together weigh another 3.5 lb. The remaining weight that a woman gains during pregnancy is mostly due to water retention and fat stores. Her breasts, for instance, gain about 2 lb. in weight...
An “antiserum”would be the best term for you to use, as this is giving someone antibodies who is currently infected with the disease.For instance, Dr. Kent Brantly, who contracted Ebola while providing medical aid in Liberia, was treated with antiserum. ...
3. After lumbar puncture, by pulling out cerebrospinal fluid, you can check the composition of cerebrospinal fluid, see the number of cells, proteins, and ions, and do bacterial culture pulling out cerebrospinal fluid, which has an effect on patients with intracranial infection. 4. Lumbar ...
A term which has been variously used for:(1) Pseudocyesis (Imaginary pregnancy)—A hysterical delusion by a woman who is convinced that she is pregnant; (2) Pseudopregnancy—A state induced in experimental animals by hormonal stimulation or physical manipulation of the female sexual apparatus; ...