Cardiospasm A contraction or spasm of the heart -Spasm A contraction or spasm Bradycardia Abnormally slow heart beat -Brady Abnormally Slow Cardiology The study of the heart -logy Study of Cardiac pertaining to the heart -ac pertaining to
1.Wordrootscannotstandalone.Usuallyasuffixmustbeaddedtocompleteamedicalterm.2.Therulesforcreatingacombiningformbyaddingavowelapplywhenasuffixbeginningwithaconsonantisaddedtoawordroot.3.Whenaprefixisnecessary,itisalwaysplacedatthe beginningoftheword.1.Asuffixusually,butnotalways,indicatesthe procedure,condition,...
1.of orpertainingtothescienceorpracticeofmedicine. 2.curative;medicinal;medicalproperties. 3.pertainingto orrequiringtreatmentbyotherthansurgicalmeans. 4.pertainingto orindicatingthestateofone'shealth:amedicalleave. n. 5.amedicalexamination. [1640–50;<MedievalLatinmedicālis=Latinmedic(us)medical(derivati...
1.of or pertaining to the science or practice of medicine. 2.curative; medicinal;medical properties. 3.pertaining to or requiring treatment by other than surgical means. 4.pertaining to or indicating the state of one's health:a medical leave. ...
The core element of any term is its:1. beginning2.usage3.root4.spelling5.ending 3.root Choose the term that means the structure around the heart1.myocardium2.cardiologist3.pericardium4.endocardium5.electrocardiogram 3.pericardium the medical term unilateral means 1. pertaining to both organs.2....
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 bisexual 1.Pertaining toBISEXUALITY. 2.A person who manifests bisexuality. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005 bisexual of or relating toHERMAPHRODITEindividuals. ...
The other options, such as "enlargement," "mega," and "very big," do not convey the same sense of something being made larger. Rate this question: 11. Cephal means A. Brain B. Head C. Skull D. Pertaining to the Brain Correct Answer B. Head ExplanationThe term "cephal" ...
2. Pertaining to mechanism of sensitization in which the reactivity is so altered by previous contact with an antigen that the responsive tissues respond quickly on subsequent contact. [L. immunis, free from service, fr. in, neg., + munus (muner-), service] Medical Dictionary for the Denta...
Each medical term has a basic word root or stem that usually comes from the Greek or Latin language. In fact 75% percent of medical terms are based on either Greek or Latin words.(Click) The Greeks were the founders of modern medicine, although Latin has become the universal source of ...