5. To analyze a medical term, reread the term and 4. Every medical term will not have all the word elements (prefix, root, suffix). The medical term prognosis means:1. to make a diagnosis.2. pertaining to or establishing a diagnosis.3. pertaining to heart muscle.4. disease of the ...
1.Wordrootscannotstandalone.Usuallyasuffixmustbeaddedtocompleteamedicalterm.2.Therulesforcreatingacombiningformbyaddingavowelapplywhenasuffixbeginningwithaconsonantisaddedtoawordroot.3.Whenaprefixisnecessary,itisalwaysplacedatthe beginningoftheword.1.Asuffixusually,butnotalways,indicatesthe procedure,condition,...
The explanation for the given correct answer is that "Myo" does not mean to extend a muscle. The term "Myo" actually refers to muscle, not the action of extending it. Therefore, the correct answer is False. Rate this question: 34. Peri refers to around an object A. True B. ...
ptomaine (to′man) An indefinite term applied to poisonous substances, e.g., toxic amines, formed in the decomposition of protein by the decarboxylation of amino acids by bacterial action. SYN: ptomatine. [G. ptoma, a corpse] ptomainemia (to-ma-ne′me-a) A condition resulting from th...
Lesson-7-Anatomical term 2 Musculoskeletal system Arthr(o)- joint关节 Condyl-/condyl- condyle(骨的)髁,阜,凸起 Chondro- cartilage软骨 Osteo- bone Musculo- muscle Myo-/Myoso- 同上 Om(o)- shoulder肩 Scapula- scapula/shoulder blade肩胛骨 ...
jigsawpuzzles.Onceyoudividethetermsintotheircomponentpartsandlearnthemeaningoftheindividualpartsyoucanusethatknowledgetounderstandmanyothernewterms.•Forexample,thetermHEMATOLOGYisdivided intothreeparts:HEMAT/Root(blood)of)O/combiningvowel LOGYsuffix(study •Whenanalyzingamedicalterm,begin attheendoftheword....
Dactylospasm medical term for cramp of a finger or toe dermatomyositis Acute or chronic disease with systemic pathology; inflammation of the muscles and the skin Diaphragm Partition of muscles and membranes that separate the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity It is the major muscle of breathing ...
Rarely used term for cholangioscopy. [cholo- + G. skopeo, to view] cholothorax (ko-lo-thor′aks) Bile in the pleural cavity. choloyl (ko′lo-il) The radical of cholic acid or cholate. choluria (ko-loo′re-a) SYN: biliuria. [G. chole, bile, + ouron, urine] ...
A word part added to the end of a term, for example, "-itis" in carditis (inflammation of the heart) Combining form A form that connects word parts, like "cardi/o" in cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease) Combining vowel A vowel used to connect word parts, omitted if the suffix starts...