医学名词解释(Medical term interpretation).doc,医学名词解释(Medical term interpretation) The renal sinus The renal portal has a larger cavity in the kidney, known as the renal sinus renal sinus, sinus renalis, the main branch of the renal artery in th
Welcome to your new ED term at Westmead Emergency Department. Here are our resources for Resident and Intern inductions in the ED JMO Manual ED Quick Referral Pathway Cards 2. Role allocation and Drug Card: ED inductions sims: Core ED Practice Cases / Questions Our team of registrars and co...
足月分娩term delivery 治疗,疗法therapy n. 体温计thermometer n. 大腿thigh n. 渴感thirst n. 胸腔thorax n. [ ] 威胁threat n. 震颤thrill n. 咽喉throat n. 拇指thumb n. 甲状腺thyroid n. 紧的tight adj. 疲劳tiredness n. 组织tissue n. ttooenenn. .趾调;;脚张趾力;紧张 舌头tongue n. ...
Functional foods are vital in preventing chronic diseases and supporting long-term health, which is why the conference will highlight their potential for future therapies in neurocognition and overall brain health. Target Audience: This conference is designed for a diverse and specialized audience from...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook motivational factor A term defined in the context of the two-factor (motivation-hygiene) theory as a so-called “satisfier”—e.g., achievement, advancement, responsibility—that motivates a person to work harder and more effici...
An “antiserum”would be the best term for you to use, as this is giving someone antibodies who is currently infected with the disease.For instance, Dr. Kent Brantly, who contracted Ebola while providing medical aid in Liberia, was treated with antiserum. ...
医学名词解释(Medicalterminterpretation) Therenalsinus Therenalportalhasalargercavityinthekidney,knownas therenalsinusrenalsinus,sinusrenalis,themainbranchof therenalarteryinthesinus,themainbranchoftherenalvein, thekidney,andthekidney.Therenalportalisdeeplyembedded ...
Provera is its impact on bone mineral density. Studies have shown that prolonged use can lead to significant bone thinning, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures later in life. This effect can persist even after discontinuing the injection, making it a major concern for long-term ...
SyncopeSyncopeSyncope is a short-term loss of consciousness and loss of postural stability followed by spontaneous return of consciousness to the previous neurologic baseline without the need for resuscitation. The condition is caused by transient interruption of cerebral blood flow that may be benign ...
This finding was further supported in the present study, which showed that preoperative frailty not only correlated with long-term lung disease but also strongly predicted the risk of CREs in the early postoperative period. Another finding of this study is that patients who snored had a higher ...