heel-toe gait A term for a normal gait in which the heel of the foot strikes the surface first, followed by rolling to the ball and then to the toes, which provide the pushoff; these phases are then repeated on the opposite foot. ...
An informal term for homosexual, usually male. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005 Patient discussion about gay Q. Is this a malady if i am homosexual? because i feel sometimes very unhappy and outside the society... Some people would say - "oh yes", other...
A medical term for sensation of dizziness Vertigo A patient complaining of abnormal bleeding from the uterus other than during normal menstruation would be experiencing Metrorrhagia A neonatal condition caused by excessive alcohol consumption by the mother in pregnancy Fetal alcohol syndrome A patient di...
Sleep patterns and risk of chronic disease as measured by long-term monitoring with commercial wearable devices in the All of Us Research Program In a cohort of 6,785 participants from the All of Us Research Program whose sleep was monitored by a Fitbit over a median of 4.5 years, sleep...
gait [gāt] the manner or style of walking. gait analysis evaluation of the manner or style of walking, usually done by observing the individual walking naturally in a straight line. The normal forward step consists of two phases: the stance phase, during which one leg and foot are ...
The aim of surgery in foot-drop deformity is to restore active dorsiflexion thereby restoring normal gait and to prevent secondary impairments due to foot-drop. Peroneal strength as an indicator in selecting route of tibialis posterior transfer for foot drop correction in leprosy The ultimate destruct...
This study was performed to determine the association of sarcopenia with short-term postoperative outcomes after gastrectomy for gastric cancer. Methods: We conducted a prospective study of 255 consecutive patients with gastric cancer who underwent curative gastrectomy...关键词: curative gastrectomy elderly...
The term abortion is more commonly used as a synonym for induced abortion, the deliberate interruption of pregnancy, as opposed to miscarriage, which connotes a spontaneous or natural loss of the fetus. Because of this distinction made by the average layperson, care should be exercised in the ...
The ‘Women’s Uprising’ is my own term for the quiet subversion of modern obstetric arrangements by outback women. Time and again I have dispatched Flying Doctors to remote locations to retrieve women in obstetric emergency. They are all supposed to deliver in larger centres, regional hospital...
• Multipara with six or more previous term pregnancies (Cervidil) • Grand multipara with six or more previous term pregnancies with non-vertex presentation (Prepidil) Precautions Use cautiously in: • history of pulmonary, cardiac, renal, or hepatic disease; asthma; jaundice, anemia; cerv...