strictly, apply only to a female. The claimed physical sign of virginity, an intactHYMEN, cannot always be relied upon because the part is subject to wide anatomical variations and to trauma. Both the term, and the importance placed on an intact hymen, are residua of a male-dominated past... Interview with: Eilon Caspi PhD Research Associate School of Nursing University of Minnesota What is the background for this study? Response: The phenomenon of distressing and harmful resident-to-resident incidents in long-term care homes (such as nursing ho...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook ag·men , pl. ag·min·a (ag'men, ag'min-ă), Obsolete term foraggregation. [L. a multitude] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a lin...
Flashcards for Medical Term 7個詞語 KaylynDosch 預覽 Medical Terminology week 19 11個詞語 ToriS116 預覽 Greek and Latin roots 17個詞語 Aaronb00010 預覽 #17 Malus - Latin 10個詞語 leilajanedyer 預覽 Latin Grammer 49個詞語 emaanabedi 預覽 chapter 6 - medical terminology 90個詞語 Brithneylopez ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook adeciduata An obsolete generic term for any mammal which does not develop a deciduate placenta. Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, ...
Medical Eponym Library. Eponymictionary database of medical eponym: person, place, or thing after whom/which something is named
Preferred Medical Center in Midland, Texas, is a primary care practice also offering urgent care by appointment and with walk-in services. Led by Raj Pandya, MD, a board-certified internal medicine physician, the diligent team provides answers and solutions to the long-term health and wellness ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook neuroendocrine neoplasm (pancreas) A general term for tumours (e.g., glucagonomas, insulinomas, etc.), which arise in the endocrine cells of the pancreas. Prognostic indicators Depends on TMN stage when diagnosed; mitotic rate and MIB-1/K1-67 labelling index,...
Medical term (prefix) 37個詞語 prevoelisabeth127 預覽 Medical Terminology quiz 1 102個詞語 pjb3xy 預覽 Med-Terms 20個詞語 Cadence_Thomas1 預覽 Medical Terminology Prefixes and Suffixes 245個詞語 ejsv100 預覽 Med Terms 1A-8B 200個詞語 Serra622 預覽 Spanish 14個詞語 Kyen_Langley 預覽 Stem 49 ...
Epikeratoplasty (or epikeratophakia) is considered medically necessary for the following indications: treatment of childhood aphakia since contact lenses are difficult for children to use and intraocular lens implants may result in long-term complications in children; ...