muscle spasm Muscle Spasms and Cramps muscle spindle muscle tone muscleblind protein musclebound muscle-bound muscle-derived protein 77 muscles of abdomen muscles of anal triangle muscles of auditory ossicles muscles of back muscles of back proper ...
1.A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, as one caused by the tensing of a looped section of wire. 2.A painful muscle spasm, as in the neck or back; a crick. intr. & tr.v.kinked,kinking,kinks To form or cause to form a kink or kinks. ...
An informal term for the condition of a patient who suffers chest pain typical of angina but who shows no radiological evidence of coronary artery disease and electrocardiographic changes only on exercise stress testing. Some experts believe that this condition is due to transient narrowing of small...
3.Elongated, hence threadlike, cells such as muscle cells and the epithelial cells composing the major part of the eye lens. 4.Nutrients in the diet that are not digested by gastrointestinal enzymes. Synonym(s):fibre. [L.fibra] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © ...
Microvascular decompression of the facial nerve for hemifacial spasm; or Resection of temporal bone; or Surgery for acoustic neuroma, congenital auricular lesions, or cranial base lesions; or Surgery for cholesteatoma, including mastoidotomy or mastoidectomy; or Surgical excision of neuromas of the fac...
lumbar-sacral orthosis (back supports, lumbo-sacral supports, support vests) are used to render support to an injured site of the back. The main effect is to support the injured muscle and reduce discomfort. The following additional criteria apply to custom-fitted and custom-fabricated back ...
Dantrolene can inhibit excess calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum and is the only effective medicine for the treatment of malignant hyperthermia caused by persistent muscle spasm. However, persistent muscle spasm is uncommon among patients with HS, and as a result, the use of dantrolene ...
The term "involuntary contraction" accurately describes the nature of a spasm, as it emphasizes that the muscle contraction occurs without conscious control or intention. The other options, such as "contract" and "trace," do not fully capture the involuntary aspect of a spasm and therefore are ...
Back injury:You could also have an increased risk of developing the condition if you injured your back significantly. Repetitive or overuse activities:By performing long-term repetitive activities involving the use of the cervical spine, you increase your risk of developing disk disease. ...
Dantrolene can inhibit excess calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum and is the only effective medicine for the treatment of malignant hyperthermia caused by persistent muscle spasm. However, persistent muscle spasm is uncommon among patients with HS, and as a result, the use of dantrolene ...