Regarding traumatic osteoarthritis of the wrist due to a fracture 5 years ago, what would I use as the main term in the Alphabetic Index to locate a code for the cause of the residual condition? What are the diseases associated with hyperkinetic and ...
Our study tries to overcome such limitation, proposing a data-driven methodology to study long term dynamical changes associated to disease. Also, we still lacked robust minimally invasive and low-cost biomarkers of individual neuropathological progression. Our method is able to offer both in-vivo...
The patient should be rehydrated by drinking cool water or an electrolyte-containing drink, such as diluted juice or a commercially marketed sports drink. The severity of the cramp can be decreased through passive stretching and/or massage of the muscle. Severe heat cramps may require the use ...
AS a medical transcriptionist for many years, I HAD typed the term before, just was not familiar with the ravages it can cause and the misunderstanding of friends and family members. Also, I have these grandchildren whom I would die for and my one wish in the whole world is to take ...
the patient begins to experience muscle twitching and cramping, grimacing, and carpopedal spasm, which can quickly progress to tetany, laryngospasm, convulsions, cardiac arrhythmias, and eventually to respiratory and cardiac arrest. Relatively early signs of hypocalcemia are a positivetrousseau's signand...
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 peptic ulcer An area on the inner mucosal surface of the STOMACH, DUODENUM or OESOPHAGUS in which stomach acid and digestive ENZYMES have acted to as to erode the surface and expose the underlying layers of muscle. Infecti...
These charged particles are essential for the electrical activity required for muscle contractions, nerve signaling, and maintaining fluid balance within cells.Learn More: Choosing The Perfect Food: How To Maintain A Balanced DietDifferent Types of Electrolytes Found in the BodySodium (Na+)Sodium is ...
• Grand multipara with six or more previous term pregnancies with non-vertex presentation (Prepidil) Precautions Use cautiously in: • history of pulmonary, cardiac, renal, or hepatic disease; asthma; jaundice, anemia; cervicitis; infected endocervical lesions; acute vaginitis; compromised (scarr...
In other patients, the same area of the intestine is involved, but instead of causing diarrhea, a syndrome resemblingappendicitisoccurs. In this syndrome, the lymph nodes surrounding the intestine are especially involved; this has lead to the term mesenteric adenitis. Although this syndrome resolves...
Two basic treatment approaches are used for managing opiate withdrawal. The first involves treating the symptoms of the withdrawal with appropriate medication. Clondine, an antihypertensive drug, is commonly prescribed to reduce muscle pain and cramping. Other symptom-specific drugs are administered on ...