The Medical Term for Throat The medical term for the throat is pharynx. The pharynx is a long tube that connects superiorly (towards the top) to the nose and mouth and inferiorly (towards the bottom) to the esophagus and larynx (voice box). The esophagus is a tube that leads to the ...
Definition of Sore Sore: 1.(adjective) A popular term for painful, such as asore throat. 2.(noun) A nondescript term for nearly anylesionof the skin ormucousmembranes. He has a number of sores in his mouth. The wordsoretraces its origin to the Anglo-Saxon term sar which meant distre...
If you are in an allied profession dealing with medical transcription, dictations, typing letters, etc., you may have received brief training and may be constantly seeking the help of a medical dictionary. Wouldn't you want to be able to 'work out' what a medical term means? This article...
Itching of the lips or skin around the mouth Burning near the lips or mouth area Tingling near the lips or mouth area Sore throat Swollen glands Painful swallowing A rash may form on your gums, lips, mouth or throat Symptoms of oral herpes usually appear 1-3 weeks after first infection. ...
soft venereal sore A former name for SEE:chancroid. tropical sore tropical sore tropical sore SEE:Cutaneous leishmaniasis. wine sore wine sore wine sore A slang term for a superficial infected area of the skin seen in alcoholics with poor personal hygiene. It is erroneously thought to be due...
sore nose)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. Related to sore nose: cellulitis, Staph infectionsore [sor] a popular term for any lesion of the skin or mucous membrane. bed sore popular term for pressure ulcer. canker sore recurrent aphthous stomatitis. cold s's herpes febril...
the tumor may spread throughout the tongue to the floor of the mouth and to the gum (jaws). As a tumor grows, it becomes more life threatening by spreading (metastasizing) to lymph nodes in the neck and later to the rest of the body. The general term for this type of cancer is can...
COPD is caused by long-term exposure to cigarette smoke, chemicals or fumes at work, air pollution, or other irritants. Over time, exposure to these toxic substances damages the airways and makes them less elastic. The walls between the air sacs are destroyed, making it difficult for the al...
It is also a more accurate term for the antiquated Vincent's angina, in which the infection is seated on the soft palate and tonsils. The microbiological analysis of the lesions of ANUG, given that certain bacteria may cause acute (eg Streptococcus spp) and/or ulceromembranous (eg Corynebacte...
Suffered severe side effects of radiation – mouth sore, difficulty swallowing, burnt skin, etc. At the same time, he received two cycles of chemotherapy. The side effects were worse than radiation and he had to be hospitalized. He was unable to sleep, was in pain and became anxious and ...