Nondisjunction— A genetic term referring to an event which takes place during cell division, in which a genetic accident causes an egg or sperm cell to have 24 chromosomes, rather than the normal 23. Orphan drug— A term for a drug that treats a rare disease, defined by the Food and Dr...
1. a lay term for senile lentigo. 2. (in pl.) tinea versicolor. mental blind spot mental scotoma. mongolian spot a type of congenital brown to gray-blue nevus; see also mongolian spot. Roth's s's round or oval white spots consisting of coagulated fibrin seen in the retina in a numb...
Mongolian spots are bluish-grey discolorations that can only be appreciated visually, since you cannot feel them. They are frequently present on the torso and legs of darkly pigmented newborns. They characteristically resolve within the first year of life. They are produced by concentrations of mela...
A popular term for a pigmentary skin discoloration, usually in yellow-brown patches. SEE: Lentigo senilis milk spot milk spot milk spot A dense area of macrophages in the omentum. mongolian spot mongolian spot mongolian spot Any of the blue or mulberry-colored spots usually located in the ...
A popular term for a pigmentary skin discoloration, usually in yellow-brown patches. See: Lentigo senilis milk spot A dense area of macrophages in the omentum. MONGOLIAN SPOTS mongolian spot Any of the blue or mulberry-colored spots usually located in the sacral region. It may be present at...
nevus of Itoa mongolian spot–like lesion having the same features asnevus of Otaexcept for localization to the areas of distribution of the posterior supraclavicular and lateral cutaneous brachial nerves, involving the shoulder, side of the neck, supraclavicular areas, and upper arm. ...
The 8-year-old boy showed Mongolian spots only on the back of his thighs. The authors are not aware of any case in which so called Mongolian spots were present exclusively on the back of the thighs and this case is all the more noteworthy as the back of the thigh is a common ...
An obsolete term for neurocirculatory asthenia or effort syndrome, characterized by breathlessness, palpitation, weakness, and exhaustion. left heart The left atrium and ventricle. The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs; the left ventricle pumps this blood into the systemic circulation...
Mongolian spots are congenital and confluent hyperpigmented areas that are usually grayish blue in color. They are found most frequently in the sacral regi
1.alaytermforsenilelentigo. 2.(inpl.)tinea versicolor. mentalblindspotmental scotoma. mongolianspotatypeofcongenitalbrowntogray-bluenevus;seealsomongolian spot. Roth'ss'sroundorovalwhitespotsconsistingofcoagulatedfibrinseenintheretinain anumberofdiseasesinwhichavascularinsultresultinginhemorrhageisfollowedbyhea...