PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To move an on-side lying patient as he is by separately constituting the lying surface of the on-side lying bed by means of a center on-side lying part and a peripheral on-side lying part at its external side and constituting the center on-side lying part so as...
sitting upright or erect; used for patients with dyspnea, shortness of breath (SOB) Prone Lying face downward, used in examination of the back, injections and massage sims Lying on left side, right knee and thigh flexed well up above left leg that is slightly flexed, left arm behind the ...
ovarian cysts General term for cysts and cystic diseases of the ovary. ovarian neoplasms Tumors or cancer of the ovary. These neoplasms can be benign or malignant. ovary Either of the sex glands in females. They produce ova and hormones. ovulation The discharge of an ovum from a rupturing ...
Q. Having chronic headaches, start in base of neck and progresses to migraine, worse when lying on stomach. Why? I have been having chronic headaches for the past 2 weeks. They start in the base of my neck and become migraines. They intensify when I lay on my stomach, blood rushes and...
Position: lying down on the belly. Spira Root in 'respiration' meaning 'breathing'. Dysesthesia Medical term for 'bad feeling or sensation'. Afferent nerve Carries sensory information to the central nervous system Neuroarthropathy Medical term breakdown: neuro/arthro/pathy ...
Placement to facilitate a vaginal examination, with the patient lying on her side with the lower arm behind the back, the thighs flexed, the upper one more than the lower. Synonym(s):lateral recumbent position. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 ...
Identify additional clinical indications for oxygen therapy What is the correct term of the digestive disease or disorder described as inflammation of the stomach or intestines? What is the correct term for the digestive disease or disorder that is described as telescoping of the ...
A term used to describe a proteinase that acts on amyloid precursor protein to produce peptides that do not contain the entire amyloid β protein (a major constituent of the plaques found in Alzheimer disease), are soluble, and do not precipitate to produce amyloid. secrete (se-kret′) To... the renal glomerulus and pulmonary alveolus, one of the layers oflamina lucidasurrounding thelamina densa; thelamina rara externais on the epithelial side and thelamina rara internais on the endothelial side. 2.a term sometimes used as a synonym forlamina lucida. ...
Inclusive term for three familial muscle disorders characterized by recurring episodes of weakness or flaccid paralysis without loss of consciousness or alterations in speech or sensation; the attacks typically begin when the patient is at rest and may last for an hour or so to a few days; betwee...