The main symptoms of hay fever are: Frequent sneezing, a blocked or runny nose, itchy red eyes, or an itchy throat, mouth, nose and ears. A hay fever sufferer mayoccasionally experience sweatingand headaches. What is the medical term for excessive sweating? Hyperhidrosis(hi-pur-hi-DROE-sis...
To be more precise, it should be broken down into axial back pain, in other words pain that remains in the spine and doesn't radiate down the legs, or radicular pain, which most people refer to as sciatica. But lumbago isa general term denoting low back pain. What does the medical ter...
Speak Up! Why Itchy Ears Can Impact on Your Hearing; ASK THE DOCTOR; Every Week Cork GP Dr Pixie McKenna, Answers Your Medical Questions
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 head the upper or front part of the body in vertebrates, that contains and protects the BRAIN, eyes, mouth, nose and ears when present. There is usually a concentration of sense organs in the head, such as eyes, ten...
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012 Patient discussion about face Q. Can scabies be on the face?About a week ago, several bumps, red and itchy, appeared on my face. I have had scabies on other parts of my body and although it feels quite similar, it doesn’t...
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 head the upper or front part of the body in vertebrates, that contains and protects the BRAIN, eyes, mouth, nose and ears when present. There is usually a concentration of sense organs in the head, such as eyes, ten...
Although the term mole may cover a variety of different sorts of skin growths, most often it refers to a localized accumulation of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. These are generally uniform in color and round in shape. In dermatology, moles are sometimes known as benign neoplasms. ...
illness noun ill adj general term for any condition that makes a person feel sick for a certain period of time Her illness went away when she started eating better. immune system noun the parts of the body that fight diseases, infections, and viruses You can't have visitors because your im...
This translates to a powerful tool in our arsenal for protecting your skin from the sun's long-term damage.How does it work? Nicotinamide supports DNA repair after sun exposure, boosting your skin's natural defenses against UV damage. It also helps maintain a healthy immune response, another ...
2. Popular term for a virus infection involving the upper respiratory tract and characterized by congestion of the mucosa, watery nasal discharge, and general malaise, with a duration of 3-5 days. See also: rhinitis Synonym(s): common cold, frigid (1) , upper respiratory infection, upper ...